Appel: EACL 2014 Student Research Workshop, Deadline extension

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Nov 23 11:13:34 UTC 2013

Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 22:47:05 +0100
From: peter ljunglöf <peter.ljunglof at>
Message-Id: <566E9480-9DE8-4B33-97FD-AF4C42143D19 at>


The 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics
Gothenburg, Sweden
26-30 April 2014

** Deadline extension! **

The Submission deadline has been extended to Friday, 13 December 2013;
11:59pm CET

I. General Invitation for Submissions

EACL 2014 continues the tradition of providing a forum for student
researchers who are investigating various areas related to Computational
Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. The workshop provides an
excellent opportunity for student participants to present their work and
receive valuable feedback from the international research community as
well as from selected panelists - experienced researchers who will
prepare in-depth comments and questions in advance of the
presentation. The workshop's goal is to aid students at multiple stages
of their education: from those in the final stages of undergraduate
training to those active with graduate thesis research.

We invite papers in two separate categories:

1. Thesis/Research Proposals: This category is appropriate for students
   who wish to get feedback on the progress of their thesis work and
   broader ideas from the field in order to identify the most promising
   directions for the remaining thesis work.

2. Research Papers: Most appropriate for students who are new to
   academic conferences. Papers in this category can describe completed
   original work or work in progress with preliminary results.

Topics relevant to the workshop aim to cover all aspects of
Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, including,
but not limited to (in alphabetical order):

- Cognitive modeling of language processing and psycholinguistics 
- Dialogue and interactive systems 
- Discourse, coreference and pragmatics 
- Evaluation methods 
- Information retrieval
- Language resources
- Lexical semantics and ontologies 
- Machine translation: methods, applications and evaluation 
- Multilinguality in NLP 
- NLP applications 
- NLP and creativity 
- NLP for low-resource languages
- NLP for the Web and social media
- Question answering 
- Semantics 
- Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and text classification 
- Spoken language processing 
- Statistical and Machine Learning methods in NLP 
- Summarization and generation 
- Syntax and parsing 
- Tagging and chunking
- Text mining and information extraction 
- Word segmentation   

Subject to the availability of established researcher volunteers, each
accepted paper will be assigned a mentor, an experienced researcher who
will provide feedback on the work to the student at the
conference. Details on this service will be provided in the acceptance

II. Submission guidelines

A) Submission requirements

1. Thesis/Research Proposals may contain previously published work and
   must include specific research directions. They may also be in the
   style of a position paper that surveys and critiques existing
   literature, but must suggest future research directions. Proposals
   may only have one author, who must be a student.

2. Research Papers must describe original completed work or work in
   progress. Since the main purpose of presenting at the workshop is to
   exchange ideas with other researchers and to receive helpful feedback
   for further development of the work, papers should clearly indicate
   directions for future research wherever appropriate. The first author
   of multi-author papers must be a student, but additional co-authors
   need not be students. Research Papers are eligible for this workshop
   only if they have not been presented at any other meeting with
   publicly available published proceedings. Students who have already
   presented at a past ACL/EACL/NAACL Student Research Workshop may not
   submit to this track as a first author (though they may still be a
   co-author, or the first author of a Thesis/Research Proposal). These
   students are instead encouraged to submit their work to the main
   conference or to the Thesis Proposal track. During submission,
   students must clearly indicate whether a paper has been submitted to
   another conference or workshop. Double submissions to the EACL main
   conference and the Student Research Workshop are not allowed. One
   student can only submit one paper to the Research Papers track as the
   first author.

B) Submission procedure

Both paper and proposal submissions to the EACL 2014 Student Research
Workshop should follow the standard two-column format of the EACL 2014
proceedings and they must be submitted as a PDF file. Authors are
strongly recommended to use the style files from the conference web
site. The style files are available here:


All submissions may consist of up to nine (9) pages of content only. Any
number of additional pages containing references is allowed.

The reviewing process will be double-blind; therefore, please ensure
that the paper does not include the authors' names and
affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's
identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", should be
avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith,
1991) ...". Further guidelines are provided in the template style files.
References to your own work in thesis proposals should also be
anonymized. You may for example write it as "in X (2000) we showed",
etc. and do not add your papers in the reference list. Authors should
not use other anonymous citations in both research papers and thesis
proposals, and should not include any acknowledgments. Papers that do
not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review.

The deadline for submission has been extended to 11:59pm CET on Friday,
13 December 2013. Submission will be electronic using the paper
submission web page:


Papers will be presented orally or as posters during the main EACL
conference as determined by the program committee. Decisions on
presentation format will be based on the nature rather than the quality
of the work. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between
long papers presented orally and as posters.

C) Multiple-submission policy

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or
publications must indicate this at submission time. Authors of papers
accepted for presentation at EACL SRW 2014 must notify the program
chairs whether the paper will be presented. All accepted papers must be
presented at the workshop in order for them to appear in the
proceedings. We will not accept for publication or presentation papers
that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will
be (or have been) published elsewhere. Double submissions to the EACL
main conference and the Student Research Workshop are not allowed, and
the authors must ensure that these submissions do not overlap
significantly (> 50%) with each other in content or results.

D) Reviewing procedure

The reviewing of the papers will be double-blind. Reviewing will be
managed by the Student Workshop Co-Chairs and a team of reviewers. Each
submission will be matched with a mixed panel of student and senior
researchers for review. The final acceptance decision will be based on
the results of the review.

III. Important dates

- Submission deadline has been extended to: 13 December 2013
- Notification of acceptance: 20 January 2014
- Camera-ready submission deadline: 17 February 2014
- Conference dates: 26-30 April 2014 

(The workshop will be held during the main conference, in a mode similar
to the conference's regular sessions. The exact format will be decided
by the workshop co-chairs and conference chairs.)

IV. Student Research Workshop Committee

Student chairs:
- Desmond Elliott (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Konstantina Garoufi (University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Douwe Kiela (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Ivan Vulić (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Faculty advisor:
- Sebastian Padó (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Contact information:
- students at

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