Conf: CSSP 2013, 26-28 septembre 2013, Paris

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Sep 7 09:14:48 UTC 2013

Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 18:10:42 +0200
From: Pascal Amsili <Pascal.Amsili at>
Message-ID: <20130904161042.GB1275 at Marine.local>

(English version below)

*** Merci de diffuser largement ***

Nous vous invitons à participer au

10ème Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP 2013)

qui se tiendra du 26 au 28 septembre 2013 à l'Université Paris Diderot.

* Conférenciers invités:

Ricardo Exteparre (CNRS, IKER, U Pau)
Tim Fernando (Trinity College, Dublin)
Bart Geurts (U Nijmegen)
Louisa Sadler (U of Essex)

* Site internet:

* Lieu du colloque:

Le colloque aura lieu au 

Bâtiment Buffon, 
4 Rue Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weil-Halle, 
75013 Paris, 

sur le Campus Paris Rive Gauche, à quelques minutes à pied de la
Bibliothèque François Mitterand.

Pour des informations détaillées et une carte, 

* Inscription :

Les frais d'inscription sont de 70€, et 35€ pour les étudiants.  Sont
exonérés les participants appartenant aux organismes co-organisateurs
(LLF, IJN, SFL, CLILLAC-ARP, STL, CLLE-ERSS). Mais pour des raisons
d'organisation, nous invitons même les participants exonérés à

Merci de vous inscrire avant le 15 septembre sur la page suivante:

* Programme du colloque :

JEUDI 26 septembre

 9h00-9h20 Ouverture du colloque

 9h20-10h20 Conférence invitée : Louisa Sadler (U. of Essex),
            Psych predicates and an unexpected case of copy raising?
10h20-11h00 Adam Przepiórkowski (Institute of Computer Science, Polish
            Academy of Sciences),
            Distance distributivity in Polish at the syntax-semantics
            interface: an LFG account

11h00-11h30 Pause café

11h30-12h10 Eric Acton (Stanford U.),
            Standard change and the Finnish partitive-accusative object
12h10-12h50 Urtzi Etxeberria (U. Pau),
            Basque nominals: from a system with bare nouns to a system

12h50-14h30 Pause déjeuner

14h30-15h10 Heather Burnett (ENS, U. Montréal) and Michelle Troberg
            (U. Toronto),
            Diachronic Investigations into the Compositional Semantics
            of Resultative Constructions
15h10-15h50 Sebastian Buecking (U. Tuebingen),
            How to elaborate on events by German "indem" and English

15h50-16h20 Pause café

16h20-17h00 Francesca Foppolo (U. Milano) and Marco Marelli (U. Trento),
            Not all comes for free
17h00-17h40 Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin),
            Non-Conservativity in Northern German: Focus-Affected
            Quantification with Proportional Quantifiers
17h40-18h20 Gregory Scontras, Cheng-Yu Edwin Tsai and Maria Polinsky
            (Harvard U.),
            Prohibiting Inverse Scope: An Experimental Study of Chinese
            vs. English

18h30 Réception

VENDREDI 27 Septembre

 9h00-10h00 Conférence invitée : Bart Geurts (U. Nijmegen),
            When language turns inward
10h00-10h40 Igor Yanovich (MIT),
            Symbouletic modality

10h40-11h10 Pause café

11h10-11h50 Christopher Davis (U. of the Ryukyus) and Yurie Hara (City
            U. of Hong Kong),
            Evidentiality as a Causal Relation: A Case Study from
            Japanese 'youda'
11h50-12h30 Dimitra Kolliakou (U. Paris Diderot),
            French and Greek interrogatives: question resolvedness and
            speaker's commitment

12h30-14h20 Pause déjeuner

14h20-15h20 Conférence invité : Tim Fernando (Trinity college),
            Could tense and aspect be finite-state?
15h20-16h00 Jeffrey Runner (U. Rochester) and Kellan Head (Teach for
            What can visual world eye-tracking tell us about the binding

16h00-16h30 Pause café

16h30-17h10 Sandhya Sundaresan (U. Tromsø),
    	    Perspectives on reflexivity and the GET-passive: 
			new insights from Tamil
17h10-17h50 Timothy Dozat (Stanford U.) and Jeffrey Runner
    	    (U. Rochester),
            Someone will attend this talk (and it definitely should
            be!), I just don't know by whom:
            An analysis of voice mismatch in VP ellipsis and sluicing
17h50-18h30 Philip Miller (U. Paris Diderot),
            Pseudo-gapping is a case of VP ellipsis

SAMEDI 28 septembre

 9h30-10h30 Conférence invité : Ricardo Etxepare (CNRS, U. Pau),
            Minimal Correlatives

10h30-11h00 Pause café

11h00-11h40 Urtzi Etxeberria and Aritz Irurtzun (U. Pau),
            An experimental test of the effects of focus in generating
            scalar meanings in Basque
11h40-12h20 Pritty Patel-Grosz (U. Tuebingen),
            Epithets as De re Pronouns

12h20-14h00 Pause déjeuner

14h00-14h40 Lauri Karttunen, Annie Zaenen, Cleo Condoravdi and Stanley
            Peters (Stanford U.),
            What does one do when one is not stupid? Factive and
            implicative dialects of evaluative adjectives.
14h40-15h10 Emilie Destruel (U. Iowa) and Dan Bridges Velleman (U.
            Refining contrastiveness: Empirical evidence from the
            English it-cleft

15h10-15h40 Pause café

15h40-16h20 Juliette Thuilier (U. Paris Sorbonne),
            Experimental approach: The case of the syntax of attributive
16h20-17h00 Pegah Faghiri and Pollet Samvelian (U. Sorbonne Nouvelle),
            Constituent ordering in Persian and the weight factor

En réserve :

    Daniel Gutzmann (U. Frankfurt) and Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin U.),
            Using Descriptions. A Use-conditional View of Referential


CSSP 2013 est organisé par le Laboratoire de linguistique formelle (UMR
7110), CNRS & U Paris Diderot.

Nous remercions pour leur soutien financier la Région Île de France, le
Laboratoire d'excellence Empirical Foundations in Linguistics, et les
laboratoires suivants: Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS & ENS ULM; SFL, CNRS &
U Paris 8; CLILLAC-ARP, U Paris Diderot; STL, CNRS & U Lille; CLLE-ERSS,
CNRS & U Toulouse).

*** Please distribute widely ***

We invite you to join us for the

10th Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP 2013)

which will be held from September 26-28 2013 at Université Paris

* Invited speakers:

Ricardo Exteparre (CNRS, Pau)
Tim Fernando (Trinity College, Dublin)
Bart Geurts (Nijmegen)
Louisa Sadler (Essex)

* Web site:

* Venue:

The conference will be held at the 

Bâtiment Buffon, 
4 Rue Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weil-Halle, 
75013 Paris, 

on Campus Rive Gauche, a few minutes walk from Bibliothèque François

Detailed information and a map can be found at

* Registration:

The regular registration fee is 70€, and 35€ for students. Members of
co-organising sites (LLF, Institut Jean Nicod; SFL; CLILLAC-ARP; STL;
CLLE-ERSS) can register for free. Even, if you are exempt from
registration fees, your registration will help us to better organise the

We would like to kindly ask you to fill in the online registration form
as soon as possible, preferably before by Sep 15, at:

* Conference programme:

THURSDAY September 26         

9h00-9h20 Opening

9h20-10h20 Invited speaker: Louisa Sadler (U. of Essex),
           Psych predicates and an unexpected case of copy raising?

10h20-11h00 Adam Przepiórkowski (Institute of Computer Science, Polish
            Academy of Sciences),
            Distance distributivity in Polish at the syntax-semantics
            interface: an LFG account

11h00-11h30 Coffee break

11h30-12h10 Eric Acton (Stanford U.),
            Standard change and the Finnish partitive-accusative object
12h10-12h50 Urtzi Etxeberria (U. Pau),
            Basque nominals: from a system with bare nouns to a system

12h50-14h30 Lunch break

14h30-15h10 Heather Burnett (ENS, U. Montréal) and Michelle Troberg
            (U. Toronto),
            Diachronic Investigations into the Compositional Semantics
            of Resultative Constructions
15h10-15h50 Sebastian Buecking (U. Tuebingen),
            How to elaborate on events by German "indem" and English

15h50-16h20 Coffee break

16h20-17h00 Francesca Foppolo (U. Milano) and Marco Marelli (U. Trento),
            Not all comes for free
17h00-17h40 Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin),
            Non-Conservativity in Northern German: Focus-Affected
            Quantification with Proportional Quantifiers
17h40-18h20 Gregory Scontras, Cheng-Yu Edwin Tsai and Maria Polinsky
            (Harvard U.),
            Prohibiting Inverse Scope: An Experimental Study of Chinese
            vs. English

18h30 Reception        

FRIDAY September 27   

 9h00-10h00 Invited speaker: Bart Geurts (U. Nijmegen),
            When language turns inward
10h00-10h40 Igor Yanovich (MIT),
            Symbouletic modality
10h40-11h10 Coffee break

11h10-11h50 Christopher Davis (U. of the Ryukyus) and Yurie Hara (City
            U. of Hong Kong),
            Evidentiality as a Causal Relation: A Case Study from
            Japanese 'youda'
11h50-12h30 Dimitra Kolliakou (U. Paris Diderot),
            French and Greek interrogatives: question resolvedness and
            speaker's commitment
12h30-14h20 Lunch break    

14h20-15h20 Invited speaker: Tim Fernando (Trinity college),
            Could tense and aspect be finite-state?
15h20-16h00 Jeffrey Runner (U. Rochester) and Kellan Head (Teach for
            What can visual world eye-tracking tell us about the binding

16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-17h10 Sandhya Sundaresan (U. Tromsø),
            Perspectives on reflexivity and the GET-passive: new
            insights from Tamil
17h10-17h50 Timothy Dozat (Stanford U.) and Jeffrey Runner
            (U. Rochester),
            Someone will attend this talk (and it definitely should
            be!), I just don't know by whom:
            An analysis of voice mismatch in VP ellipsis and sluicing
17h50-18h30 Philip Miller (U. Paris Diderot),
            Pseudo-gapping is a case of VP ellipsis

SATURDAY September 28

9h30-10h30 Invited speaker: Ricardo Etxepare (CNRS, U. Pau),
           Minimal Correlatives

10h30-11h00 Coffee break

11h00-11h40 Urtzi Etxeberria and Aritz Irurtzun (U. Pau),
            An experimental test of the effects of focus in generating
            scalar meanings in Basque
11h40-12h20 Pritty Patel-Grosz (U. Tuebingen),
            Epithets as De re Pronouns

12h20-14h00 Lunch break

14h00-14h40 Lauri Karttunen, Annie Zaenen, Cleo Condoravdi and Stanley
            Peters (Stanford U.),
            What does one do when one is not stupid? Factive and
            implicative dialects of evaluative adjectives.

14h40-15h10 Emilie Destruel (U. Iowa) and Dan Bridges Velleman
            (U. Texas),
            Refining contrastiveness: Empirical evidence from the
            English it-cleft

15h10-15h40 Coffee break

15h40-16h20 Juliette Thuilier (U. Paris Sorbonne),
            Experimental approach: The case of the syntax of attributive
16h20-17h00 Pegah Faghiri and Pollet Samvelian (U. Sorbonne Nouvelle),
            Constituent ordering in Persian and the weight factor

    Daniel Gutzmann (U. Frankfurt) and Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin U.),
           Using Descriptions. A Use-conditional View of Referential


CSSP 2013 is organised by the Laboratoire de linguistique formelle (UMR
7110), CNRS & U Paris Diderot.

We would like to thank the Région Île de France, the Laboratoire
d'excellence Empirical Foundations in Linguistics, and our partner labs
(Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS & ENS ULM; SFL, CNRS & U Paris 8;
CLILLAC-ARP, U Paris Diderot; STL, CNRS & U Lille; CLLE-ERSS, CNRS & U
Toulouse) for their financial support.

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