Job: Post-doc position in Multimedia Indexing at EURECOM, France

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Sep 25 16:05:30 UTC 2013

Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 16:51:11 +0200
From: Bernard Merialdo <Bernard.Merialdo at>
Message-ID: <5240555F.7030709 at>

Post-doctoral position in Multimedia Indexing

Location: EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department, Sophia
Antipolis, France

Duration: 12 months


We have an open position for a post-doc to work on several aspects of
Multimedia Indexing, in particular Multimedia fusion and co-training. We
are looking for candidates who are highly motivated to conduct high
quality research, propose and evaluate innovative solutions for the
difficult problems that arise when automatically analyzing Multimedia
content. This research is conducted in partnership with other French
laboratories and companies.

Candidates should have a PhD Degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science,
or a closely related area, with a good knowledge of Machine Learning
techniques, and possibly an experience on multimedia analysis. Good
programming skills are expected. A good level of written and spoken
English is mandatory.


Screening of applications will begin immediately, and the search will
continue until the position is filled. Applicants should send, to the
email address below (i) a CV, (ii) a motivation letter, (iii) contact
details for three referees, (iv) a two page statement of research
interests and motivation.

Applications should be submitted by e-mail to secretariat at
with the reference Postdoc_MM_BM_Index_sept2013

Postal address :
Campus SophiaTech,
450 route des Chappes,
06410 Sophia Antipolis,

Contact : Prof. Bernard Merialdo, Bernard.Merialdo at
Web page :
Phone number : +33 4 93 00 81 29
Fax number : +33 4 93 00 82 00

EURECOM is a French graduate school and a research center in
communication systems based in the international science park of Sophia
Antipolis, which brings together renowned universities such as Télécom
ParisTech, Aalto University (Helsinki), Politecnico di Torino,
Technische Universität München (TUM), Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU) and Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh Ville
(VNU). The Principality of Monaco is a new institutional member. The
Institut Mines-Télécom is EURECOM’s founding member.

EURECOM benefits from a strong interaction with the industry through its
specific administrative structure: Economic Interest Group (kind of
consortium), which brings together international companies such as:
Swisscom, SFR, Orange, ST Microelectronics, BMW Group Research &
Technology, Symantec, Monaco Telecom, SAP, IABG. EURECOM deploys its
expertise around three major fields: Networking and security, Multimedia
Communications and Mobile Communications. EURECOM is particularly active
in research in its areas of excellence while also training a large
number of doctoral candidates. Its contractual research is recognized
across Europe and contributes largely to its budget.

Thanks to its strong ties set up with the industry, EURECOM was awarded
the “Institut Carnot” label jointly with the Institut Telecom right from
2006. The Carnot Label was designed to develop and professionalize
cooperative research. It encourages the realization of research projects
in public research centers that work together with socioeconomic actors,
especially companies.

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