LL-L: "Humour" [E/Ap] LOWLANDS-L, 31.AUG.1999 (01)
Sandy Fleming
sandy at fleimin.demon.co.uk
Tue Aug 31 06:35:52 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 31.AUG.1999 (01) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
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From: Lee [glent at troi.csw.net]
Subject: "Humour"
Rachel Luckman posted 'Technology for North-Easterners' and I thought it was
funny--you guys know I dig crazy humor. Her posting reminded me of one that
I had for hillbillies (Richard, don't be angry with me, remember I'm a
hilllbille/Scot as well!!), here it is:
Technology for Country Folk ...
LOG ON: Makin' tha wood stove hotter.
LOG OFF: Don't add no more wood.
MONITOR: Keepin' an eye on the wood stove
DOWNLOAD: Gittin' the farwood off en' the truk
MEGA HERTZ: When yer not kerful gittin' the farwood off en' the truk
FLOPPY DISC: Whatcha git from tryin' to carry too much farwood
RAM: That thar thing whut splilts the farwood
HARD DRIVE: Gittin' home in winter time
PROMPT: Whut the mail ain't in winter time
WINDOWS: Whut to shut wen it's cold outside
SCREEN: Whut to shut wen it's blak fly season
BYTE: Whut em' dang flys do!
MEGA BYTES: Whut happens when you don't shut the darn screen
CHIP: Munchies fer the TV
MICRO CHIP: Whut's left in the bottom of the munchie bag
MODEM: Whut cha did to dem hay fields.
DOT MATRIX: Old Dan matrix's wife
LAP TOP: Whar the kitty sleeps
KEYBOARD: Whar ya hang the dang keys
SOFTWARE: Them dang plastic forks and knifs
MOUSE: Whut eats the grain in de barn and da kitty chases
MOUSE PAD: ats hippy talk fer the rat hole
MAINFRAME: Whut holds up the barn roof
PORT: ats' fancy Flatlander wine
ENTER: Yankee' talk for "Ya'll c'mon in!
RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY: Wen ya cain't 'member whut ya paid fer the new
rifle when youre wife ask ya!
>Have a great week Lowlanders!
>Dubhglas o' Schweissguth (Doug)
>'That's dithpiccable'--Daffy Duck
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