LL-L: "Printed resources" LOWLANDS-L, 12.DEC.1999 (02) [D/E]
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Sun Dec 12 21:19:19 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 12.DEC.1999 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
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From: Roger P. G. Thijs [roger.thijs at village.uunet.be]
Subject: Old Dutch
This Sunday morning I was at an international book fair for second hand
books in Mechelen, Belgium, and I could not resist to buy a couple of
interesting volumes.
1. The Corpus Gysseling, a 15 thick bound volumes (each about 1000 pp.)
collection of pre-1300 texts in old Dutch (6 vols of text and 9 vols of
indices), in Antwerp second hand shops for sale for BF 18.000 was now
offered for BF 4.500 (You pay much more to FedEx to get it shipped
The seller bought the remaining stock of this collection from the remaining
stock of the Martinus Nijhoff publishers in 's Gravenhage, and he has still
some complete sets in his shop:
Alfa Antiquarian Booksellers, Leo Kerssemakers
Brugstraat 5, 5361 GT Grave (Netherlands)
tel 0486473966 fax 0486473179 (I guess you have to replace the initial 0 by
the prefix for the Netherlands)
Vol II-1 contains the pre-1200 fragments. One should be aware that later
(complete) copies of some of these texts are not included, but the book has
just and only the original fragments that have been found back and that are
not contaminated by language "modernisations" by copyists. Not included was
the 12th century registry book of the land of Alden Biesen, because it was
judged too voluminous (It was published later by Buntinx).
A sample, vol II-1, p. 39, "Oostnederrijns-Westfaalse wormbezwering, einde
9e eeuw"):
Gang ut nesso, mid nigun, nessiklinon
ut fana themo, marge. / an that ben.
fan themo. bene. an that. flesg.
ut fan themo./ flesgke. an thia hud.
ut fan thera. hud. an thesa strala.
drohtin uuerthe so.
2. For BF 850 I bought from a bookseller from Ghent a 1863 edition of the 2
vol "De Geldduivel" from Hendrik Conscience.
I do not particularely like Conscience's writings, but I bought this book
because it is still in the Belgian "Commission" orthography, with ae and y,
that was be replaced by the common Dutch-Belgian "De Vries" orthography a
couple of years later.
a sample vol I p. 31:
"Zit neêr, Berthold. - Nu waerlyk, zeg my, zyt gy zinneloos geworden?"
"Ik geloof het ten minste niet" antwoordde de jongeling, "Waerom zulke
vraeg, heer Kemenaer?"
"Wat hebt gy daer voor onzin geschreven om eenen woekeraer? Gy vergeet dus
wie gy zyt en tot welken stand der maetschappy gy behoort? Gy zyt zeer ryk
of zult het worden."
3. Although I could bargain it from UK Lbs 550 down to 500, it's still a
lange investment for a 2 vol (original) book I bought from "Francis Edwards"
Booksellers from Hay-on-Wye, UK (They participate regularely on second hand
book auctions and fairs in Brussels, Antwerp and Mechelen):
- Aenleiding tot de Kennisse van het verhevene deel der Nederduitsche
Spreake waer in hare zekerste Grondslag, edelste Kragt, nuttelijkste
Onderscheiding, en geregeldste Afleiding overwogen en nagespoort, en tegen
het Allervoornaemste der Verouderde en Nog-levende Taelverwanten, als 't
oude Moeso-Gotthisch, Frank-Duitsch, en Angel-Saxisch, beneffens het
Hedendaegsche Hoog-Duitsch en Yslandsch, vergeleken word door Lambert ten
Kate Hermansz, Eerste Deel, tot Amsterdam By Rudolph en Gerard Wetstein,
MDCCXXIII, (50+) 744 pp. still in good shape on good quality paper.
- Aenleiding tot de Kennisse van het verhevene deel der Nederduitsche
Spreake behelzende den Grondslag beneffens Twee Proeven van geregelde
Afleiding door Lambert ten Kate Hermansz,Tweede Deel, tot Amsterdam By
Rudolph en Gerard Wetstein, MDCCXXIII, (10 +) 749 pp. still in good shape on
good quality paper.
A sample, vol I, p. 63.. (all quotations in Germanic languages are in Ghotic
characters, sorry for eventual mistakes of mine)
Runisch of Oud-Noorsch, ook Kimbrisch genaemt:
Fader uor, som est i Himlum
Favor i ir i Chimrie
Foeder ure, thu the eart on Heofenum
Our Father, which eart in Heaven
Laeg of Zuider-Scotsch
Our Fader, vhilck ar in Hevin
Oud-Friesch of tegenwoordig Land-Friesch
Uus Haita, du derst bist yne Hymil
Neder-Saxisch van de XV: Eeuw
Vader use, de du bist in den Hemmelen
Frank-Duitsch od Oud-Neder-Saxisch, van de VIII en IX Eeuw
Father unser, thu thar bist in Himile
Belgisch of Nederduitsch nu Hollandsch genaemt
Onze Vader, die in de Hemelen zijt
(The actual Belgium did not exist yet in 1722)
Cantabrisch of Biscaeysch
Gure Aita, Ceruetan aicena
Eyen Taad, rhuvn wyt yn y Neofododd
Hon Tat, pehudy fou en Efaou
Niew-Brittanisch of Cambrobrittanisch of Wallisch
Ein Tad, yr hwn wyl yn y Nefoedd
Ny Taz, ez yn Neau
Ar Nathair, ata ar Neamb
Woud- of Berg-Scotsch, waer voor de Autheur stelt Waldensis:
Our Narme, ata ar Neamb
His classification is curious:
The Scandinavian languages, including the Orcadian, are grouped as the
"Kimbrischen tak"
The German/anglo-saxon..; languages are grouped as the "Theutonischen tak"
The Romance and celtic languages are joined to form the "Keltischen Tak"
it continuous with (9) "Slavoensche dialecten"
and end ends finally with unclassified:
"Littouwsch, Lyflandsch, Estonisch, Finnisch, Laplandsch, Hongarisch,
Turksch and Tartarsch"
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