LL-L: "Help needed" [E] LOWLANDS-L, 27.JUN.1999 (03)
R. Hahn
rhahn at u.washington.edu
Sun Jun 27 20:51:16 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 27.JUN.1999 (03) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Pat Reynolds <pat at CAERLAS.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Local History Encyclopedia
I am copying this message from the h-local listserver. I imagine that
some of you will have seen this message already, but I thought that most
will not have.
The message is about the Local History Encycolopedia. Contributions are
needed in various areas - and one in particular I thought someone on
lowlands-l could write: 'regionalisms or slang'.
Now, the Encyclopedia has a natural US-bent, being a US publication, but
they are very willing and happy to include material which places what
appears to be something quite specialised in the US into a global
context which shows the underlying processes.
Please write to Carol kammen <ckk6 at cornell.edu> if you can help.
In message <930110677.207134.0 at h-net.hst.msu.edu>, Automatic digest
processor <LISTSERV at H-NET.MSU.EDU> writes
>There are 2 messages totalling 112 lines in this issue.
>Topics of the day:
> 1. Local History Encyclopedia
>Dear All:
> We are so very grateful to everyone who has responded to our call =
>for help. Some have offered to write articles, others have suggested
>people who might be helpful to us, and others have suggested topics to add
>to the Encyclopedia.
> We have a few odds and ends: not that the topics are not important =
>but they are the ones that seem to have gotten away from us. I would like =
>to offer them up to you with this caution: we can't pay anyone and the =
>deadline looms -- we will need copy no later than August 1.
> Our greatest failure so far is that I have not been able to find
>someone to write an article about local history in France. I have
>contacted every French person I know or have heard of, but no one is
>willing to take it on. I have also contacted a few scholars in the US
>about this but I have had no takers. I think it is crucial that we have =
>article, perhaps 1000 words long, about what the French have been doing in =
>the past 25 years. [We do have a good article on the Annales School so
>that subject is covered but it is not the whole story.]
> This lack is glaring because of the importance of the French to =
>the writing of local history and also because we have articles about the
>writing of local history in England, Scotland, Germany, Nigeria, New
>Zealand, Australia, and Canada. [We do not have an article about
>Scandinavia which seems to me to be another omission I regret. We would
>certainly add this if someone offered to write it for us.]
> So our needs:
> Local History in France 1000 words
> regionalisms or slang: 1000
> travel accounts: use of 1000
> historical fiction 1000
> demography: as a new field and opportunities for
> local historians 1000
> My last topic concerns local history museums: for this I would
>like views and comments of 300 to 500 words from four people: this could
>be a historical piece, or a commentary on the changing nature of exhibits,
>or about what topics need to be addressed, etc. I think of this as a =
>table discussion without the table.
> I am very conscious that the Local History Encyclopedia is the sum =
>of the goodness and colleageality of many people. H Local is high on that
> with great appreciation, Carol
>carol kammen <ckk6 at cornell.edu>
Pat Reynolds
pat at caerlas.demon.co.uk
"It might look a bit messy now, but just you come back in 500 years time"
(T. Pratchett)
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