LL-L: "help needed" LOWLANDS-L, 24.NOV.1999 (06) [E]
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Wed Nov 24 23:24:33 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 24.NOV.1999 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Roger P. G. Thijs [roger.thijs at village.uunet.be]
Subject: help needed
Does anybody know if there is published somewhere a typed transcription of:
"Kronike von Pruzinlant"
by Nicolaus von Jeroschin, mid 14th century (manuscript: Stuttgart,
Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB V 95)
Page 3 of the manuscript is reproduced as a photograhical illustration
(facing page 118), going with the article "De sacrale betekenis van de
burchten van de Duitse Orde in Pruisen in de 13de-14de eeuw" by prof. dr.
Marjan Dygo, Historisch Instituut van de Universiteit Warschau, p. 113-121
in: "Crux et Arma", "Kruistochten, Ridderorden en Duitse Orde", Bijdragen
tot de geschiedenis van de Duitse Orde in de Balije Biesen, vol. 4, 1997,
Bilzen, 281 pp + 64 photographs
(published by the Historisch Studiecentrum Alden Biesen v.z.w., ...
Internationale Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen
Ordens...Zentralarchiv des Deutschen Ordens zu Wien)
Alden Biesen is a castle, formerly possessed by the Teutonic Order, in
Rijkhoven, a parish of the municipality of Bilzen, in the middle of Belgian
Limburg. The castle is now property of the Flemish government.
Thanks for all help.
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