LL-L: "Etymology" [E] LOWLANDS-L, 11.OCT.1999 (02)
Lowlands-L Administrator
sassisch at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 11 22:28:34 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 11.OCT.1999 (02) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Roger P. G. Thijs [roger.thijs at village.uunet.be]
Subject: LL-L: "Songs" [E] LOWLANDS-L, 10.OCT.1999 (01)
> From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at fleimin.demon.co.uk]
> Subject: "Songs"
> > From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
> > Subject: Etymology
> > they have not offended anyone. I find them interesting in a scholastic,
> > historical and linguistic sense, but, apart from the sexual
> > references, they do
> > not exactly seem "moral" or "ethical" in today's world, dealing
> > with what seems
> > to be a gray area between seduction and rape. Of course, moral
> > standards have
> > changed, but ...
Well actually, I guess one still has the underground song codices at Belgian
universities .
I remember I have had a several of them, but 2 decades ago I have turned
them all in to the "Dr. Mon De Goeyse archives" at Leuven University. At the
time I was president of the "Limburgse gilde" at Leuven university, and I
had to do quite a lot of "representation visits" to Limburgian clubs at the
Brussels and Ghent universities.
Especially the Brussels codices were quite explicit, as well as - as far as
I do remember - the one of the "home club" of Diest.
I do remember quite some texts though, but I don't think they can contribute
to the quality level of this list.
The military generally maintain a similar repertoire.
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