LL-L: "How do you say ...?" LOWLANDS-L, 19.OCT.1999 (04) [S]
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Tue Oct 19 15:32:21 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 19.OCT.1999 (04) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
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From: John M. Tait [jmtait at altavista.net]
Subject: LL-L: "How do you say ...?" (was "Resources") LOWLANDS-L, 17.OCT.1999
(03) [E/S]
Ian wrate:
>Scots freins,
>Lane a quak kestin:
>Wud ye say "A set tha computer up" or "A set up tha computer"?
I dinna ken - but in Shetland (an Orkney) the'r a tendency tae say things
like 'Whaar's my breeks at' whaur maist Scots wad appearently juist say
'Whaur's ma breeks.' (Naething ti dae wi the Merry Muses, bi the wey!) My
wife says she wad say 'A set up the computer' unless she wis gaun ti eik on
ti the phrase, e.g. 'A set the computer up ti knit a gansie' (or
whitiver!). But than, fowk's ain ideas o whit thay micht or michtna say
isna aye richt.
Thare's the problem, asweel, o whether a bodie chynges syntax whan thay'r
speakin English, or cairries the Scots syntax ower. I think (imagine) I
speak gey ordinar Scots English, apairt frae the twang; but I canna get awa
frae the Shetland phrase 'sock feet' (stocking soles) at aa ither bodie
lauchs at! (Asweel, for some raeson, I canna get awa frae sayin 'gear' as
[ge:r] raither nor [gi:r].)
John M. Tait.
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