LL-L: "Phonology" LOWLANDS-L, 25.OCT.1999 (06) [S]
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L O W L A N D S - L * 25.OCT.1999 (06) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: John M. Tait [jmtait at altavista.net]
Subject: LL-L: "Phonology" LOWLANDS-L, 24.OCT.1999 (03) [E/S]
Anent Andy's speir aboot /z/ an /s/, I wad jalouse at Ron is richt - i.e.
thay'r juist different phonemes. An the orthography is inconsistent richt
eneuch - a consistent ane wad hae the /z/ spelt <z> an the /s/ spelt <s>, sae:
moose /mus/
jalouse /dZ@'lu:z/
lowse (adj) /lVus/
lowze (v) /lVuz/
uise (n) /2s/ ([jIs], [is], etc.)
uize (v) /2:z/ ([je:z], [i:z], etc)
In fact, I'm surprised Sandy haesna breinged in here, cause he wis
suggestin this verra wey o spellin no lang syne!
Coorse, aince ye ken if the <s> is a [z] or a [s] than, like Andy says,
the'r nae bather aboot the vowel afore, cause a vowel afore [s] is aye
short an afore [z] it's aye lang. This is whit wey the'r nae need ti spell
vowel length in Scots. Houaniver, gin ye dinna sinder aither the vowel
lenth or the [s] an [z] in spellin, an ye dinna ken hou ti say the word
aforehaund, ye'r connacht!
I dout, Andy, at the'r nae wey ti expone this - aither ye spell it wi <z>,
or ye'v juist ti lairn hou ti say ilka word. Thare micht be somethin adae
wi verbs whiles haein /z/, but I wadna like ti say exactly whit.
Some weys o spellin Scots - e.g. RWS - haes uised dooble S for the /s/
soond, like mouss/brouse, lowss/lowse, uiss/uise. But naebodie seems ti
dae't consistent-like. The wey we forordinar spell _uiss_ an _uise_ is a
relic o thir kynds o spellins, tho we spell maist ither words juist -SE -
anither inconsistency. But Sandy's wey - gin I hae understuid it richt -
wad be the best.
I dout this is different aathegither fae morphological plural -S, whaur the
[s] an [z] is determint bi whit comes afore, an sae it's no phonemic. Sae,
e'en tho ye wis ti uise <z> spellins in words like _jalouze_, etc, that
wadna mean at ye wad hiv ti uise thaim in words like _dogz_, cause ye ken
it maun hae a [z] soond.
John M. Tait.
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