LL-L: "Standardization" LOWLANDS-L, 24.AUG.2000 (01) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 24 16:29:58 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 24.AUG.2000 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Roger Thijs [roger.thijs at village.uunet.be]
Subject: Standardization was Re: LL-L: "Language politics"
At 13:10 23-8-2000 -0700, you wrote:
From: Roger Thijs [roger.thijs at village.uunet.be]
Subject: Language politics
>>>>> 4. Some url's about the politics regarding a unified spelling of
languages in Belgium and in the North of France:
Spelling considerations for the development of a common walloon dictionnary
(in French)
An introduction in English to the walloon language:
walloon orthography
Some considerations about the spelling of Picard
http://www.multimania.com/languepicarde/orthogra1.htm <<<<<<
In my previous message i did not include the url:
since I couldn't reach it yesterday.
Today the url works.
It's in French, about walloon, but it outlines a policy for an "unification
in diversity", and I think this is an issue for most regional languages.
r.thijs at ieee.org
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