LL-L: "Language politics" LOWLANDS-L, 30.AUG.2000 (05) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 18:56:58 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 30.AUG.2000 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Roger Thijs [roger.thijs at village.uunet.be]
Subject: Language politics
I got this today from "Mercator", a group I never heard anything about
before. Does somebody on the list know more about it?
--- quote:
From: "Mercator" <mercator at ciemen.org>
Subject: Mercator-working papers
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:42:07 +0200
Dear Roger,
I'm writing you from Mercator Programme in Barcelona. I invite you and all
person interested on linguistic law and linguistic policy to a new project
that we will carry out this year, called Mercator-working papers. I'm
sending you some information, if you want more explicited documentation,
please contact us.
Receive my best regards,
Virgínia Unamuno
Mercator: dret i legislació lingüístics
Rocafort 242 bis
08029 Barcelona
Mercator’s working papers.
The aim of this initiative is to offer the Mercator:Linguistic Rights and
Legislation research and information network users a series of research
works or short articles in progress concerning linguistic rights,
legislation and policies, mainly focusing on the use of lesser used
languages in public life spheres. As far as we are dealing with a European
project, we are specially interested in those works comparing or
contrasting the situation of different languages, regions or states within
Europe. We principally address to experts in the fields of sociolinguistics
and law who may be interested in participating in a collection which will
be either spread through internet or in paper, by means of the Mercator
network, which is comprised of several world-wide non-governmental
organizations, as well as of local, regional and international academic
If you are interested in participating, or if you want further information
on the conditions, please do not hesitate in contacting: mercator at troc.es
--- endquote
r.thijs at ieee.org
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