LL-L: "Names" LOWLANDS-L, 26.JAN.2000 (08) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L * 26.JAN.2000 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: G Halliday [G.Halliday at xtra.co.nz]
Subject: LL-L: "Names" LOWLANDS-L, 26.JAN.2000 (02) [E]
John feather wrote
> Subject: Names
> I'm betting that "Dunedin" is a "scottification" of the AS "Edinburg(h)".
Dunedin < Gael. Du\n E\ideann < Brit. Din Eidyn. There is also a Duneaton in
Lanark and a fort called Dunedin in Lauderdale. The name? word ? Eidin also
occurs in similar formations such as Minit Eidin the old name for the Braid
Hills (Minit is presumably the cognate of Welsh mynydd "moorland" and lies
behind Gaelic monadh "moor")
> From my point of view "for" seems to be the much more common form in
> American TV and films, though it's possible that it stands out more
> (to the very best of my knowledge) it is not used in Britain, and various
> British dictionaries describe the usage as "North American".
Named for is also used in Scots. See CSD under "for". This may well be the
traditional Scots idiom rather than with "after" which is now common but I'm
not 100% sure.
Geordie Halliday
From: G Halliday [G.Halliday at xtra.co.nz]
Subject: LL-L: "Names" LOWLANDS-L, 26.JAN.2000 (02) [E]
>From experience of a Yorkshire genealogy list which includes
contributors from N.America, the British Isles and Australasia,
my impression is that 'named for' is North American and
'named after' is British.
Best wishes
John Lindley
| From: john feather [johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk]
| Subject: Names
| I'm betting that "Dunedin" is a "scottification" of the AS "Edinburg(h)".
| I'm still a bit puzzled by naming "for" and "after". I looked in "Made in
| America" by Bill Bryson (born Iowa, long-term resident of Yorkshire,
| England). In a chapter on the naming of American towns and geographical
| features he uses both forms, though "for" more frequently.
| From my point of view "for" seems to be the much more common form in
| American TV and films, though it's possible that it stands out more because
| (to the very best of my knowledge) it is not used in Britain, and various
| British dictionaries describe the usage as "North American". If it is a
| "local" form where is it in the majority? Does anyone out there know from
| direct experience or have access to a dialect dictionary which would throw
| light on this?
| John Feather johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk
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