LL-L: "Language samples" LOWLANDS-L, 21.JUL.2000 (05) [E/F]
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Fri Jul 21 23:53:38 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 21.JUL.2000 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: HS Brandsma [hsbrand at jol04.cs.vu.nl]
Subject: LL-L Prodigal son [E/F]
Hoi allegearre,
I was asked a version of the parable of the Prodigal son in
Westerlauwer Frisian, for another list. (I was asked because of my
participation in this list BTW.)
I did this, and made some glosses with it as well. So I thought it 'd
be nice to share this with this list, for the benefit of people that
want to study Frisian and compare it with other Lowland languages.
Maybe other people can make similar contributions as well. I would eg
like to see other Frisian versions (mine is West Frisian), and Low
Saxon ones. I hope you lie it. I give two versions, from an older
translation of the New Testament and from the more recent Fryske
Henno Brandsma
Lukas 15, 11-32, de gelikenis fan 'e ferlerne soan.
first version: 1989 (translation 1978)
(Nederlands bijbelgenootschap)
second version: it nije testamint, 1933. (translation by Wumkes)
(the latter is in the pre-war spelling, so somewhat dated.
also seems to be more literal, and less idiomatic at times.)
Diacritics are placed before the vowel in this ascii rendition.
(There are e,a, o and u with a circonflexe (^), plus e,u with
accent (') to the right.)
[part. = participium (default: perfectum), s./sing. = singular,
1/3 = 1st or 3rd person, pron. = pronoun, v.=verb etc.]
11 Fierder fertelde Er: Der wie ris in man, dy hie twa soannen.
11' En hy sei: In man earne hie twa soannen.
Fierder: next, furthermore.
en: and.
Er: clitic form of "hy" (he).
sei < seid(e) : said
fertelde: told (simple past 1/3 s. of fertelle= to tell.)
earne: somewhere, cf. Dutch ergens (id.)
soannen: sons, plural of "soan"=son, with so-called breaking
(change from falling to rising diphthong) [so. at n], pl. [swan at n]
hie < *hied: had (sing. past 1/3 person)
in ([@n]), indef. art.
de ([d@]), def. art., masc/fem.
12 No sei de jongste tsjin syn heit: Heit jou my myn part fan it besit.
Doe ferparte de heit syn eigendom ^under harren.
12' En de jongste sei tsjin syn heit: Heit, jow my it diel fen it goed,
dat my takomt. En hy dielde harren it goed.
No: now
jongste: youngest.
tsjin: against, here: to.
heit: father. (typically Westerlauwer Frisian word of unknown origin,
might be a "Lallwort")
jou < *jeva , give (imp.). = jow, but older spelling.
from the verb "jaan" to give.
it ([@t]): def. art. (neuter)
ferparte, past 1/3 s. of the verb ferpartsje: distribute. dielde=dealt.
fen = fan (fen is older spelling) : of (in poss. and partitive).
besit, eigendom : property
goed: "the goods", ie property.
dat my takomt: which "belongs" to me, by right.
my= object form of ik=I.
myn : poss. pr. 1st person sing.
^under: lit. under, here: among.
doe: then, at that time.
harren: them (obj. form of hja=they)
13 En it duorre net lang mear, of de jongste pakte alles byinoar en reizge nei
l^an, fier fan h^us. D^er brocht er al syn hawwen en h^alden dertroch
mei in los libben.
13' En net folle dagen d^ernei makke de jongste soan alles oan jild
en teach fuort nei in fier l^an en d^er brocht er al syn goed yn in
weelderich libben der troch.
it: here: it (pron. pers.)
dagen: days, pl. of dei=day.
duorre< verb duorje, past. 1/3 s.: last (of time); cf. Dutch duren, German
dauern, from French durer?
of: or (here more like "and")
byinoar : together.
pakke< v. pakke, past 1/3 s. : to pack.
alles: everything. cf. German, Dutch alles.
reizge< v. reizgje past 1/3 s. : to travel, cf. D. reizen, G. reisen.
nei: to.
l^an < {la:nd, with somewhat rounded a:}: land.
fier: far.
h^us [hu:s] : house. fier fan h^us= far from home.
d^er: [dE:r]: there.
brocht: [brOxt]: brought. (from v. "bringe" = to bring)
dertroch bringe= lit. to bring "therethrough", ie to spend.
hawwen en h^alden: lit. (to) have and (to) hold = all that one owns.
hawwe=to have, h^alde [hO:d@]= to hold.
los: loose.
libben: life
mei: with
d^ernei: there-after, ie after that.
net: not (from *na:t)
folle: many. cf D veel, G viel. probably folle< *fulla, = full. due to
makke< v. meitsje < * makia, = to make.
jild : money, cf D geld, G Geld, with Fr. palatalisation.
oan: on, to; alles oan jild meitsje: make everything into money, ie sell
teach< v. tsjen (old-fashioned), past1/3 s. : (here) to travel.
cf. D tijgen, G. ziehen.
weelderich: luxurious. cf. D weelderig.
14 Doe't er alles der trochjage hie, kaam der in slimme hongersneed
yn dat l^an en hy krige it tige krap.
14' En do't er alles fordien hie, kaem der in swiere hongersneed yn
dat l^an, en hy bigoun it krap to krijen.
Doe't (older spelling=do't) : when.
trochjage: < v. trochjeie, (past part.): "through-hurry".
(implies that he finished with the money quickly)
kaam (=kaem in older spelling) : came, < v. komme = to come.
slimme < adj slim: bad, serious; cf. G schlimm.
swier: heavy, serious: cf. G. schwer, D. zwaar.
dat [dOt]: that.
krige< v. krije: get. cf. D krijgen, G. kriegen.
krige=past 1/3 s. krijen= form used after te=to (to).
tige: very
krap: here: poor. more lit. "tight".
bigoun (modern spelling "beg^un") past 1/3 s. of v. begjinne: to start.
14' end is literally: he started to get it tight.
15 Doe ferhierde er him oan ien fan 'e lju yn dy kontrei.
Dy stjoerde him it fjild yn om op 'e bargen te passen.
15' Do gyng er hinne en slagge oan wirk by ien fen de boargers fen
dat l^an, en dy stj^urde him nei syn l^an om de bargen to weidzjen.
ferhierde: < v. ferhiere: to hire oneself (past 1/3 s)
ien: one (*e:n)
lju: people cf. G leute, D. lui < luiden, Old Germ *leud.
yn [in] : in, as postposition: into.
dy [di] : that (pers. dem. masc/fem)
him : him.
kontrei: area.
stjoerde< v. stjoere (past 1/3 s), to send. (older spelling stj^ure)
(Old germ *steuran ?, cf. D. sturen, G. steuern)
fjild: field.
om: here, it indicates a purpose: "in order to"
bargen pl. of baarch : pig. (cf Engl barrow, D. barg (castrated boar))
oppasse: to look after.
(separable verb-prop. comb.), here with extra n because of the preceding "te".
gyng, in other dialects "gong" or "gie", past 1/3 s of the v. gean=to go.
wirk= wurk (modern spelling) : work.
hinne= towards, to, but here in idiomatic use:
15' starts liter. as "Then he went (towards) and succeeded to work"
so: he went and was able to find work.
by: at, with.
boarger: citizen, cf. D burger eg.
syn: his (pron. poss.)
weidzjen: look after animals in the meadows.
16 Hy woe de mage wol fol tropje mei de hulen dy't de bargen krigen,
mar gjinien joech him wat.
16' En hy woe him s^ed ite oan it foer, dat de bargen krigen,
mar gjinien joech it him.
woe: wanted, past 1/3 s. of "wolle"= to want.
mage: stomach.
wol: cf. D. wel, G wohl. hard to translate particle, giving emphasis of some
fol: full.
tropje: put into (only used in some contexts)
hulen: hulls (of nuts, or wheat), sing. : h'ul.
dy't : pron. rel. (pl + masc./fem sing.)
krigen: plural of "krige", see above.
mar: but. cf. D. maar.
gjinien: nobody.
joech< past 1/3 s of "jaan", to give.
wat: what, but also (here) as indef. number: something.
s^ed: full (of food), cf. D zat, G satt, cognate of Latin satis=enough.
ite: [it@] to eat.
foer: fodder.
dat: (here) pron. rel. neuter.
17 Doe betocht er him en sei by himsels: Hoefolle fan 'us heit syn
arbeiders hawwe net brea by 't soad en ik fergean hjir fan 'e honger.
17' En hy kaem ta himsels en sei: Hofolle fen heite arbeiders hawwe
net oerfloed fen brea en ik forgean hjir fen honger.
himsels: himself.
hoefolle: how many (older spelling "hofolle")
hjir [jIr]: here
by 't soad: plenty, loads.
arbeiders: pl. of arbeider= (manual) worker.
'us: our (pron. poss.). 'us heit= my father. (in family relations the plural
poss. are used)
heite: weak genitive of heit=father.
So note the two ways of making the genitive:
with a genitive form: heite arbeiders (father's workers)
and (more common): 'us heit syn arbeiders: my father his workers=my father's
cf. also Afrikaans: my vader se arbeiders, where "se" is reduced from "syn".
ta: to
fergean fan ('e) honger: to be very hungry.
(lit. perish of hunger). ["forgean" is the older spelling of "fergean"]
('e is clitic form of "de" from older "*tha")
oerfloed (n.): plenty, cf. D. overvloed.
brea: bread (in the general sense of food, normally it would
only mean "rye bread", and normal bread would be "b^ole")
18 Kom, ik gean nei 'us heit ta en sis tsjin him: Heit, ik haw mis
west foar God en foar heit oer,
18' Ik scil opstean en nei myn heit ta gean en ik scil tsjin him sizze:
heit, ik haw s^undige tsjin de himel en foar jo,
Kom: imp. of "komme" = to come.
nei ... ta = to. (circumposition, so to say, as in Dutch naar ... toe)
scil = older spelling of "sil" : shall
(1/3 s. pres. of "sille", will/shall (used for future tense))
opstean: to rise, get up. lit. up-stand.
sis < v. sizze, to say. from *sidza < older Germanic *seggjan)
west: part. of w^eze=to be. (been).
Note "ik haw west" = I have been, as opposed to D. Ik ben geweest and
G. ich bin gewesen.
mis: wrong.
foar ... oer. To (as nei... ta above a "circumpos.)
foar [fwar]: for; oer [u. at r] : over.
s^undige< v. s^undigje (part.), to sin.
himel [him at l]: heaven, cf. D hemel, G. Himmel.
jo: you, but polite form. cf. French vous, D. u, G. Sie.
19 ik bin net mear wurdich heit syn soan neamd te wurden. Behannelje
my as ien fan heit syn arbeiders.
19' ik bin net mear weardich jins soan neamd to wirden, meitsje my
as ien fen jins arbeiders.
Note that 19 addresses the father in the 3rd person, to show respect.
19' uses the archaic "jins" (old pron. poss. of "jy/jo") to show respect.
neamd: part. of v. neame+ to name/to be called.
wirde, modern spelling "wurde": to become, but here used as
the auxiliary verb for the passive.
wurdich (older "weardich, which is also influenced by D. waardig)= worthy.
meitsje: to make.
behannelje: to treat, cf. D behandelen.
net... mear: no longer., lit. no ... more.
as: as, like.
20 Doe sette er de stap nei syn heit ta. De heit seach him fan fierren
al oankommen. It begrutte him sa, dat hy fleach him temjitte, foel
him om 'e hals en tute him.
20' En hy stie op en gyng nei syn heit. En do't er noch fier^of wier,
seach syn heit him en wier inerlik mei him bigien, en hy roun op him
ta, en foel him om 'e hals en patte him.
sette < past 1/3 s. of v. sette: to put.
stap: step. (so: "he put the step towards his father": he went to his father)
seach: < past 1/3 s. of v. sjen= to see.
oankomme: arrive. Note the extra -n in the aci construction
"seach him oankommen". prob. from the part. pres. *oankommend,
cf. English I saw him _coming_.
fan fierren [fOn fjIr at n]: from afar.
al: already.
it begrutte him: he was overwhelmed by sorrow (expression).
sa: so, in that way, in such a way.
fleach, past 1/3 s of fleane=to fly, or to hurry.
temjitte: towards, from te + mjitte < *to + me:ta, where the 2nd
is cognate to Engl "meet". cf. Dutch tegemoet.
foel: past 1/3 s of falle=to fall.
hals: neck.
tute: past 1/3 s of t'utsje=to kiss.
Archaic: patte< patsje=to kiss.
fier^of: lit. far-off, ie far away.
stie< past 1/3 of stean=to stand.
wier=old spelling of "wie", past 1/3 s of "w^eze"=to be.
roun=old spelling for "r^un", from "rinne"=to walk.
inerlik: inside him, ie emotionally.
begien w^eze (mei): lit. "to be begone (with)" ie to feel compassion (for).
21 De soan sei tsjin syn heit: Heit ik haw mis west foar God en
foar heit oer. Ik bin net mear wurdich heit syn soan neamd te wurden.
21' En de soan sei tsjin him: heit, ik haw s^undige tsjin de himel en
foar jo, ik bin net mear weardich, jins soan neamd to wirden.
cf 18 and 19 above.
22 De heit sei lykwols tsjin de feinten: bring gau de b^este klean en
doch him dy oan. Sko him in ring om 'e finger en jou him sandalen
oan 'e fuotten.
22' Mar de heit sei tsjin syn feinten: bring gau it b^este kleed, en
tsjuch it him oan, en doch him in ring oan 'e h^an, en skoen
oan 'e foetten,
lykwols: nevertheless.
feinten, pl of feint: servant (male).
bring: imp. of bringe= to bring.
gau: quickly. cf D gauw.
b^este: < b^est: best. Note the lengtened vowel of words like b^est,s^ed,
also in l^an, etc. Also in h^an [hO:n]: hand.
klean: from *kla:than, clothes. plurale tantum.
kleed: cloth (in this context)
doch: imp. of "dwaan"=to do. oandwaan= put on (clothing). (sep. verb)
sko: imp of "skowe", to shove.
ring: ring
finger: finger.
skoen=old spelling of "skuon" (with breaking): shoes, pl. of skoech=shoe.
fuotten (older spelling "foetten", both with breaking), pl. of
"foet" = foot. The older plural "fiet" (cf. E. feet) died out.
tsjuch: imp. of "tsjen", related to G. ziehen.
oantsjen is archaic for oandwaan (or oanl^uke).
23 Helje it mestkeal, slachtsje it, en lit 'us lekker ite
en feestfiere,
23' en bring it meste keal, en slachtsje it, en lit 'us ite en fleurich
feest h^alde,
helje; to fetch. (-je verbs have the imp. = infinitive.)
mestkeal= meste keal, keal=calf. (from *ka:l(f))
mestkeal= fatted calf.
slachtsje= to slaughter.
lit, imp. of litte= to let.
'us: pron. pers, "us".
lekker: good, nice (of food and pleasant things), here adverb.
feestfiere/ feest h^alde: have a feast/party.
fleurich: merry, happy. here adverb.
24 omdat dizze jonge fan my dea wie en no wer libben wurden is,
ferlern wie en no wer f^un is.
24' hwent myn soan hjir wier dea en is wer libben wirden,
hy wier forlern en is weromfoun.
omdat : because.
hwent= modern spelling "want", =because.
(the second has verb second, the former doesn't)
jonge: boy. cf. D jongen, G. Jungen.
dea: dead.
libben: alive.
wurden: part. of wurde: become. Older spelling "wirden".
ferlern (older "forlern): lost. Part. of "ferlieze"=to lose.
cf. E. forlorn.
wer: again.
werom: back.
f^un (older spelling: foun), part of "fine"=to find. So: "found".
25 Doe beg^unen se te feestfieren. De ^aldste soan wie it l^an yn.
Doe't er wer op h^us oan gong en tichterby kaam, hearde er muzyk
en d^unsjen.
25' En hja bigounen feest to h^alden. En syn ^aldste soan wier yn it
fjild en do't er nei h^us gyng en tichteby kaem, hearde er muzyk
en raeijen.
begounen= modern beg^unen, pl. of begu^n etc (see above)=started.
se: clitic of hja=they.
op h^us oan= to the house.
tichteby: closeby, near. tichterby: closer (by), nearer.
ticht is related to E. tight.
hearde: past 1/3 s. of "hearre" [jEr@] <*he:ra, to hear.
muzyk: music.
d^unsje: to dance. Note the extra -n in the aci again.
raeije (modern spelling "raaie"): to dance (wildly), cf. D rei(dans).
Old fashioned in this meaning.
26 Hy r^op ien fan 'e feinten en frege, wat der te r^eden wie.
26' En hy r^op ien fen de feinten en frege hwet dat dochs w^eze mocht.
r^op: past 1/3 s. of "roppe": to call (someone).
frege: past 1/3 s. of "freegje" : to ask.
hwet (older spelling for "wat"=what)
after wat/hwet: two expressions to say: "what was going on".
27 Dy sei, jo broer is weromkommen en jim heit hat it mestkeal
slachtsje litten, omdat er him s^un en wol weromkrige hat.
27' En dy sei tsjin him: jins broer is kommen en jimme heit hat
it mestkeal slachte, om't er him soun weromkrige hat.
jo: poss. pron. "your", polite form (sing.). Archaic version: "jins".
broer: < *bro:thar, brother.
kommen: part. of komme=to come. weromkommen: come back.
jim: poss. pron. "your" (plural). cf. 'us heit=my father, so jim heit= your
litten: part of litte=to let. (lit: your father has the fatted calf slaughter
s^un (older spelling "soun"): healthy. cf. E sound, D. gezond, G. gesund.
wol: (here) well.
krige: part. of "krije"=to get, receive.
om't (=omdat): because.
slachte: part. of slachtsje.
28 Doe waard de ^aldste soan nidich en woe net yn 'e h^us.
Syn heit gong nei b^uten ta om him deryn te roppen,
28' Do waerd er grammoedich en woe net yn 'e h^us.
Sa gyng den de heit b^uten en bea him.
waard (older spelling "waerd"): past 1/3 s. of "wurde" to become.
nidich: very angry. cf. D. nijdig.
grammmoedich: as D. grammoedig, old-fashioned for "very angry".
b^uten: outside; (nei) b^uten (ta) gean: to go outside.
deryn: there-in (lit.), here: inside the house.
den=older spelling of "dan": then.
bea: past 1/3 s. of bidde: to pray, (here) beg/ask someone.
note also the different dialect choice in the past of gean: gyng vs gong.
also: yn 'e h^us < i(:)n tha hu:s(e). Normally one would expect 't, as
it normally would be "it h^us"=the house. Here an old dative is preserved.
29 mar hy sei tsjin syn heit: Safolle jierren arbeidzje ik al foar jo
en noait haw ik wegere te dwaan, wat jo my hieten, mar noch noait
haw ik in bokje krige om mei myn maten feest te fieren.
29' Mar hy antwirde en sie tsjin syn heit: Sjuch, ik tsjinje al safolle
jierren en nea bin ik tsjin in gebot fen jo yngien, en jo hawwe my
nea ris in geitebokje jown om mei myn frjeonen feest to h^alden.
antwirde (older spelling for "antwurde"): past 1/3 s. of antwurdzje: to
safolle: so many.
jierren [jIr at n], pl. of jier [i at r] "year". With breaking.
tsjinje: to serve. [-je verbs have the 1 s. equal to the inf.]
from *thiania, cf. D. G. dienen. Note that th- in Frisian becomes t-.
arbeidzje: to work (manually).
noait (Dutch-ism for more archaic "nea") "never".
wegere: part. of wegerje: to refuse. cf. D. weigeren.
hieten: past pl. (matches "jo", orig. a plural pron.) of hjitte: (here) to
gebot (modern spelling: gebod): order (noun).
29' has "never have I against an order of you (polite) (in)gone" ie
I have never disobeyed you.
29 has there: "never have I refused to do, what you (pol.) me ordered"
ris: once, here used as a particle to strengthen "nea".
bokje: dim. of bok= buck. geit=goat. so geitebokje: buck of a goat.
jown: (modern spelling: j^un) part. of "jaan": to give.
maten: pl. of maat: friend. (cf. coll. E. mate)
frjeonen (modern spelling "freonen", "eo" sounds as the "eu" in
Dutch "kleur"), pl. of "fr(j)eon" = friend.
30 Mar no't dy soan fan jo weromkommen is, dy't jo besit der mei
huorkjen trochjage hat, no litte jo foar him it mestkeal slachtsje.
30' Mar nou dizze soan fen jo kommen is, dy't mei hoerren jins
goed fordien hat, hawwe jo him it mestkeal slachte.
no't = now that. 30' has it without 't (doesn't sound as good to me, though)
and has the older spelling "nou" for "no".
dizze: this (sing. dem. pron. (masc/fem and plural)
huorkje: (here with extra -n, because it is used as a noun):
to fornicate, to whore. Derived from "hoer",
pl. "huorren" (with breaking) = whore.
Older spelling of "huorren"="hoerren", where the breaking is indicated by
doubling the r. Cf. "foetten" instead of "fuotten" above.
fordien: (modern spelling: ferdien): part. of ferdwaan= to waste.
Note the bare "him" in 30' as opposed to the "foar him" in 30.
31 Mar de heit sei: Jonge, do bist altiten by my, en al wat
mines is, is dines ek.
31' Mar hy sei tsjin him: Bern, d^u bist altiten by my, en al hwet
mines is, dat is dines;
Bern: child. (cf. Danish barn, Scots bairn)
do bist: you are. ("do" is the colloquial 2nd person form).
31' chooses an other dialect's form: d^u. (a more cons. choice)
altiten: emph. form of "altyd": always. lit. all-time.
mines: mine; dines: yours cf E. thine. (form used without noun)
ek: also (from *a:k cf. D. ook, G. auch.)
32 Wy moasten wol feestfiere en bliid w^eze: dyn broer wie dea en
is wer libben wurden, hy wie ferlern en is weromf^un.
32' men moast den feesth^alde en bliid w^eze, hwent dyn broer hjirre
wier dea en is wer libben wirden, hy wier forlern en hy is weromfoun.
moast: past 1/3 2. of moatte: must/have to.
moasten: past pl. of the same.
men: one (as pron. pers.; it includes the speaker)
wol: reinforcing particle.
bliid: glad/happy.
hjirre: emph. form of "hjir" here.
Notes by Henno Brandsma.
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