LL-L: "Grammar" LOWLANDS-L, 21.JUL.2000 (10) [S]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 22 00:44:47 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 21.JUL.2000 (10) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Thomas [t.mcrae at uq.net.au]
Subject: LL-L: "Grammar" LOWLANDS-L, 20.JUL.2000 (04) [S]
> From: Lowlands-L <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: LL-L: "Grammar" LOWLANDS-L, 20.JUL.2000 (04) [S]
> Bi this process, the combination o staundard an non-staundard Anglicisation at
> ye get in Glesca is celebratit as authentic Scots gremmar, an aa ither thing
> fleered at as tryin ti growe kail on a causey!
Aye but wi've goat aniyther daft grammar in snooty parts o' Edinburgh like
Comely Bank (Cohmly Baink) and Morningside (Morninsaid). Glescae hiz its
Kelvinside (Kelvinsaid) ta.e Ye see "ide' is amang minny soonds birlt arooun
bi thay folk an so is 'a' or 'I' baith endin up as 'ai'. Richt genteel
Scoats that loat..... ah mind weel mah cousin talkin aboot pittin munny in
her 'baink'.
In Edinburgh wi used tae say that a mirage wis a weddin in Moarninside.
Wurst o the loat wiz when ah wiz at sckule an aw thae genteel wummun
teachurs made us say PORK uz PAWRK for the 'oh' soond wiz sae 'Wurkin
Ah'd pit thum aw doon the lavvie pan!
Tom Mc Rae
Brisbane Australia
"Oh wid some power the Giftie gie us
Tae see oorselves as ithers see us"
Robert Burns--
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