LL-L: "Grammar" LOWLANDS-L, 27.JUL.2000 (01) [S]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 27 14:54:42 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 27.JUL.2000 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: "Ian James Parsley" <parsley at highbury.fsnet.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L: "Grammar" LOWLANDS-L, 20.JUL.2000 (04) [S]
> Like I keep sayin, I think the fashion evenou agin prescriptive
gremmar is
> sair problem, cause it gars aabody fleer at guidelines for Scots
> while leavin the English anes mair or less alane. In ither words,
> schuils, etc. winna thole the trendy 'leeberal' approach ti gremmar
an the
> like in English, sae the trendies faas back on Scots ti play
thairsels wi.
Ye'r 100% richt here.
> Mysel, I stertit wi Graham an Robertson's Shetlandic Grammar. Frae
> wis easy eneuch ti see whit bitties wis general Scots. In Shetlandic
> it's maist aften the case at the least leeterary writin - writin at
> fowk at fleers at gremmar guidelines wad leuk doun thair nebs at frae
> leeterary viewpynt - haes the best gremmar, whaurbyes thaim at's
ettlin ti
> WRITE faas intae English gremmar. This is likely a sair problem for
> ettlin ti write in Scots.
Ay, an unner "aabodie" ye'r includean thaim as speaks Scots. The'r
juiss no
uised tae thinkan on gremmar, an wrytan Scots. Aa the think on is whit
the sud be uisean.
> Robertson's gremmar o Ullans is supposed ti be guid,
> but again, I hinna gotten ane yet.
It wud be "Robinson", in fact. Necessar readin this gremmar wud be, sae
fur whit he daesna dae richt as whit he daes. Robinson himsel gies owre
an "Ulster-Scot" he bes, an no a linguist. It kims clear an aa at he
ettlet at pushan tha view o Ulster-Scots as a leid, an he aft taaks o
Ulster-Scots an this ither leid at he cries "English". Bot A'm niver
sicar whit "English" wud be - maist tims whit he wrytes in Inglis bes
formal, bot whit he wrytes i Scots is mair "Gutter Scots" nor "Guid
Sae whit he's ettlet at daean is *maximisean* tha differs o gremmer.
Bot he
says this himsel, at a prescriptiver grammar wud be nott, an at hit wud
tae hae ensamples o seemilarities atween Inglis an Scots, an no juiss
Ian James Parsley
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