LL-L: "Language varieties" LOWLANDS-L, 01.MAR.2000 (08) [E]
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Wed Mar 1 16:10:24 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 01.MAR.2000 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Hauke Wiebe [HaukeWiebe at excite.com]
Subject: Gibraltarian
I recently stumbled accross the site of the Panorame Gibraltar Newsweekly.
In their online version they have a little satirical article featuring two
Gibraltartian women speaking to each other on the phone.
The language they use seems interesting from a lowlands point of view.
I must admit I do not know anything about it,
but it seems to be a mix of English and Spanish.
Given the history and racial mix of the rock this is not surprising.
Is it just English with some Spanish words in it, Spanish with some English
in it, or can we detect a deeper fusion of the language on the way to a
creole ? Is the Spanish High Castilian or a southern dialect of the
Gibraltar area?
I also wounder if there are other influences e.g from Morrocco and other
parts of the world which are represented in Gibraltar e.g the Jewish
Anyway undermeath two examples of the conversation.
For more look at the site itself at
CALENTITA - Gibraltars National Dish
Extract from the telephone conversations of Cloti & Cynthia
Que Escandalo
Dear me, que escandalo, lo del internet. Enseguidita que se entero mi Juan,
he rushed to get a copy of the Pandorama, pero ya no quedaban, que te parece
dear Cynthia?
There you are, es que con tanta politica, un destape now and again no vieve
mal, my dear Cloti. Te dire, que mi Charlie made some photocopies for all
his friends porque, as you rightly say, it was a sell-out all right.
Hay que tener mucho cuidao these days, Imaginate si salgo yo en el Gibraltar
Scandal para que me vea todo el mundo.
Blimey, what makes you think anyone wants to see you at your age? como si
fueras an 18-year old girl!
Mira, Cynthia de mi alma, que muchos hombres still look at me, aunque tu no
te lo creas.
No es que no me lo creo, pero they must be looking at you not for what you
Bueno hija, mejor no seguir speaking about this porque nos vamos a pelear,
no esta el oven for buns.
Te dire, que before long vieven los hot cross buns, y despues el verano. In
Andalucia, that's the place next to us, siempre estan de fiestas, or havn't
you seen them singing los carnavales?
It's another world, my dear, imaginate mi Juan y tu Charlie cantando esas
Lo que no puede ser, no puede ser, por much cooperation que quieran algumos.
CALENTITA - Gibraltars National Dish
Extract from the telephone conversations of Cloti & Cynthia
Yo tengo un castillo...
My dear, estos elections remind me of an old Spanish sing-song que me
cantaba my great-grandmother. We should sing it together for the benefit of
the Mi5½, por si el telephone esta tapped. It goes something like this - Yo
tengo un castillo, matarilerile y rele.
Pero el mio es mejor, matarilerile y don! Sin pon!
La verdad es que no me acuerdo mas, we are now so English que del Rule
Britannia no paso.
Blimey con los elections, every time I look at the televisho me sale un
politician, como si fuera el Punch & Judy show.
Last week was like a telenovela, los fondos de Liechtenstein, the story that
started 5 years ago y no tiene fin.
Cuando se entero mi Juan, like a flash, se fue a Lynche's Lane to do a
reconnaissance con un scanner pero no encontro na.
Blimey, dont tell me he has a scanner when we don't have one in the
Anda mujer, what he has is one of those scanners, o como se llame, that
detect coins.
Anyway, in the new hospitals vamos a tener scanners para parar un train. Can
one vote for the two parties so that they build the two hospitals?
Mira, when I was small en los tiempos del cuple, we had a hospital for every
occasion - el Colonnial Hospital, el Isolation Hospital, el KGV, el military
hospital y hasta un hospital for the apes.
Te dire, my dear, que con esto del block vote, presentan a un mono del monte
y tambien sale elected.
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