LL-L: "Help needed" LOWLANDS-L, 01.OCT.2000 (03) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 1 19:08:08 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 01.OCT.2000 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
Posting Address: <lowlands-l at listserv.linguistlist.org>
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Lone Elisabeth Olesen [baxichedda at yahoo.com]
Subject: "Help needed"
R. F. Hahn wrote:
>>>> Can any of you tell me what kind of plant has
the Low Saxon name
_Allhorn_ <<<<
Roger Thijs answered:
>I guess it corrensponds to the Dutch ahoorn.
That was also my first reaction - but would an _l_
sound just disappear?
Plattdeutsch-hochdeutsches Wörterbuch (Renate
Herrmann-Winter, Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 1999), has
the following:
"Alhorn: Holunder, auch Alhörenbom, Sambucus nigra"
"Ahuurn: Ahorn".
Greetings, Lone Olesen
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Help needed
Hi, Lone, Lowlanders!
Lone to the rescue again! Thanks so much! I don't have a copy of this
rather recently published dictionary. Could you give us the ISBN number as
well? I ought to add it to the offline guide for Low Saxon/Low German.
(Additions to all guides are always welcome, by the way).
That _Allhorn_ and _ahoorn_ are not related was pretty clear to me, since
Dutch _ahoorn_ is (/aahourn/) _Ahoorn_ ['?Q:hoUAn] or _Ahuurn_ ['?Q:hu:An]
in Low Saxon ('maple' in English).
So _Allhorn_ means 'elder(bush)' (_vlier_ in Dutch, _Holunder_ in German,
_hyld_ in Danish)! I had heard _Ellhoorn_ for 'elder' once or twice in
some dialect or other, and I don't understand why I didn't make the (fairly
obvious) connection. The "problem" is that in my home dialect of Low Saxon
(Low German) we use _Flederbeerbusch_ ['flEIdAbe:AbUS] or _Flederbeerboom_
['flEIdAbe:AboUm] for 'elder(bush/tree)' (and also Missingsch and North
German _Fliederbeerbusch_ or _Fliederbeerbaum_), based on the elderberries,
the fruit of the tree. As often happens in multi-code societies, I, as a
city boy, was confused for a while: I believed that elderberries were the
fruit of the lilac tree, because of _Flieder(baum)_ in German (including
Missingsch, _sering_ in Dutch, _syrén_ in Danish). However, I later
learned that Standard German _Flieder_ and _Holunder_ were different
plants, and 'lilac' is _Sireen_ or _Syringen_ in various Low Saxon
dialects. By the way, some dialects apparently use _Goosfleder_ ("goose
elder/lilac") for 'elder'. When I grew up (in prehistoric times), German
_Holunder_ was foreign to us children. We called it
_Flieder(beerbusch/-baum)_. Both plants were important to us: lilac
flowers were symbols of high springtime, and elderberries were symbols of
summertime and were also the raw material for elderberry juice
(_Flederbeersapp_, usually preserved and drunk hot in the winter) and
elderberry soup (_Flederbeersupp_, _Knicksupp_ in other dialects, usually
served cold in the summer, with semolina dumplings or with beaten and
sweetened eggwhite on top).
Thanks again, Lone.
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