LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 08.SEP.2000 (10) [E/LS]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 8 21:39:24 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 08.SEP.2000 (10) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Henry Pijffers [hpijffers at home.nl]
Subject: LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 08.SEP.2000 (05) [E]
Ron hef schreven:
>> I always use "kiezen", but that's probably a Dutch loan.
>It could be. I have a hunch that _kören_ is the old Low Saxon (Low German)
>verb for it. However, I also believe that Dutch (and Low Saxon?) _kiezen_ is
>related to _kören_, that we are dealing with this old r~z variation that is
>apparent even between Low Saxon dialects; e.g.,
>'to lose' /...z/
>(cf. German: verlieren /...r.../)
>verleren ~ verlesen
>(/...r.../ ~ /...z.../)
By oons is et "verlîzen", mar ik schryve daet meestens as "verlezen".
(Ik bruuk hier "î" umdaet ik et nich verwarren wil met 'n langen e)
>ick verleer ~ verlees'
>du verleerst ~ verlüsst
>he/se/dat~et~it verleert ~ verlüst
>wie/jie/se verleert ~ verleest ~ verleren ~ verlesen
By oons:
ik verlîse
ie verlîst
he/se/et verlös (*)
wy/ielue/se verlîst
ik kieze
ie kiest
he/se/et kös (*)
wy/ielue/se kiest
Hier suet man daet den darden form 'nen klankverschuving ondergeet.
Komt daet vaker fuyr in andere Saksische dialekten?
>ick verloor ~ verlöör ~ verlöös'
>du verloorst ~ verlöörst ~ verlöösst
>he/se/dat~et~it verloor ~ verlöör ~ verlöös'
>wie/jie/se verloren ~ verlören ~ verlösen
By oons:
ik verlöör
ie verlören *
he/se/et verlöör
wie/ielue/se verlören
ik köse
ie kösen *
he/se/et köös
wie/ielue/se kösen"
Hier is den tweeden form wat fremd, is daet normaal of is dit 'nen
>Past participle:
>(apparently not *verlosen)
By oons "verlören" en "kösen".
From: Niels Winther [niels.winther at dfds.dk]
Subject: Etymology
Following Etymologisch Woordenboek (J de Vries en F de Tollenaere)
the dutch verb _kiezen_ and the english _choose_ have a common root.
Osaxon: _kiosan_ Ofrisian: _ciâsa_ Oenglish: _cêosan_ .
From: david strommen [si00924 at navix.net]
Subject: LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 08.SEP.2000 (03) [E]
I was very interested to find the Scots verb _wale_ 'to choose', 'to elect'.
(I assume it is pronounced [we:l].) It appears to be a cognate of German and
Low Saxon _wählen_ 'to choose', 'to elect' (the noun 'election' or 'choice'
being _Wahl_).
I am not sure if Low Saxon _wä(h)len_ [ve:ln] and _Waal_ ~ _Wahl_ [vQ:l] are
inherent or German loans. Does anyone know? They coexist with _kören_
[kø:An] and _Köör_ [kø:A] with the same respective meanings.
In Scandinavian we have the word "Velge" could that have krept into Northern
Germany by way of Denmark and Scotland by way of the Danish and Norwegian
Vikings? In my dialect it is å velgje, vel, valg, har valgt. An election is
et valg. Here again the course could have been the other way from the
Hanseatic times. Grööten David Strommen
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Etymology
And not to forget the possibility that Scots _wale_ goes back to a
Scandinavian loan from the time of the Viking invasions.
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