LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 10.SEP.2000 (04) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 11 01:18:40 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 10.SEP.2000 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: john feather [johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk]
Subject: Etymology
The s(z)/r switch in verbs is preserved in English (only?) in the word
"forlorn". I suggest that in its ordinary use the word has quite lost the
specific meaning of "lost" and means something like "sad" or "wretched".
The expression "forlorn hope" comes, according to Chambers English
Dictionary, from Dutch "verloren hoop", where "hoop" doesn't mean "hope"
"troop of soldiers".
John Feather johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk
From: Niels Winther [niels.winther at dfds.dk]
Subject: Etymology
More on derivatives of _kiusan_
Swedish _tjusa_ meant to select, cast a spell, use magic,
but nowadays in a positive sense: _förtjusande_ = charming.
Danish _kyse_ meant to select, to remove, to apply magic.
The modern meaning is roughly: to frighten, make somebody
subordinate, chase away.
Standard-Danish :inf:_kyse_ pres:_kyser_ pret:_kyste_ pp:_kyst_
North-Eastjutish:inf:_cyyws_ pres:_cywser_ pret:_cyywst_ pp:_cywst_
South-Westjutish:inf:_kyys_ pres:_kys_ pret:_køs_ pp:_køsen_
In South-Westjutish _kæjs_ has been used for electing a primus inter pares.
does anybody know of an extant _kesen_ or _keisen_ in Low-Saxon?
Danish:_kræsen_ Swedish:_kräsen_ is probably not a Low-Saxon loan
since there exist an Icelandic _kræsinn_
perhaps _kræsen_ is not directly related to _kiusan_.
English _choice_ cannot be a derivative of _choose_
it most have taken a detour over France via Frankish.
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