LL-L: "Language survival" LOWLANDS-L, 22.FEB.2001 (02) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 22 17:05:45 UTC 2001
L O W L A N D S - L * 22.FEB.2001 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic, Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Stefan Israel [stefansfeder at yahoo.com]
Subject: "Language survival"
Colin Wilson wrote:
> As a description for a form of Scots derived in this way, I'd
> much prefer the term "composite Scots"
"composite" still strikes me as a bit abstract and not so
positive. Might not something like "all-Scots Scots" or
"broadreach Scots" (braedreach?) give it a more positive tone
and catchier name, something that stresses that it is reaching
out across the varieties of Scots?
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Language survival
> "composite" still strikes me as a bit abstract and not so
> positive. Might not something like "all-Scots Scots" or
> "broadreach Scots" (braedreach?) give it a more positive tone
> and catchier name, something that stresses that it is reaching
> out across the varieties of Scots?
How about "General Scots," "Universal Scots" or "Interdialectal Scots"?
("Common Scots" won't do, I suppose, because of the semantic range of
'common', including 'vulgar'.)
From: Marco Evenhuis [evenhuis at zeelandnet.nl]
Subject: LL-L: "Language survival" LOWLANDS-L, 21.FEB.2001 (06) [E/LS]
R. F. Hahn wrote:
> I was very interested to read what you kindly shared above about the
> experience. It is pretty much the same story in the Low Saxon (Low
> scenario -- same attitudes, same fears, same arguments, same obstacles,
> unfortunately not the same success as yet (although our success is that at
> least our language has been officially recognized).
I wouldn't call the success of out magazine a success for the Zeelandic
language as a whole. There is not one single place where you can learn the
language, there is no attention what so ever for it in education, there
isn't even a university where the language is studied (which makes Zeeuws
unique within the Netherlands and Flanders), there is only very limited
media attention (Omroep Zeeland, the only regional radio and tv-station,
only broadcasts one hour a week in Zeeuws on radio and no Zeeuws on
television), etc.
Our magazine, which we started early 1998, now has about 1,000 subscribers
(700 of them living in Zeeland, some 200 elsewhere in the Netherlands or
Belgium and about 100 in e.g. Canada, the US, Scotland, Ireland, northern
France, etc.). For the majority, the first Noe-magazine they received, was
the first time that they were ever confronted with their language in a
written form.
About 140 different people wrote articles, prose, poetry for it, about 120
never wrote anything in Zeeuws before that.
So in that way, Noe is a success. On a very small scale though.
Thanks for your support, Ron,
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