LL-L: "Music" LOWLANDS-L, 21.JUN.2001 (03) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 21 22:30:25 UTC 2001
L O W L A N D S - L * 21.JUN.2001 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic, Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Eldo Neufeld <greneuf at interchange.ubc.ca>
Subject: LL-L: "Music" LOWLANDS-L, 21.JUN.2001 (02) [E]
>From: "Szelog, Mike" <Mike.Szelog at CITIZENSBANK.com>
>Subject: Lowlands Folk Music/Instruments
>Hello Lowlanders!
>I hope this inquiry will fall into the scope of the Lowlands culture -
>Just wondering if anyone might be able to help with a bit of information? I
>am an "amateur" musician and one of my interests, being interested in
>languages, is world folkmusic. One instrument I have, and is one of my
>favorites, is what is called here in America a "Mountain Dulcimer" - this is
>not the trapezoid shaped instrument played with hammers (though I have one
>of those as well and is called here a "Hammered Dulcimer"), but rather this
>is a fretted instrument which may be played in a variety of different ways
>and may also be tuned several ways - extremely versatile instrument. It is
>known throughout Europe in slightly various forms and shapes and number of
>strings (mine has four, for example - two drones and a double-coursed melody
>string). The Swedish version is known as the Hummel, the Icelandic version
>(which is typically bowed rather than plucked or strummed) is the "Langspil"
>- the Germans know it as the "Streitholt", I believe it is known in Flanders
>as an "Espinette".
>I do play a few tunes I picked up while in the Low-Rhine area
>(Viersen-Süchteln), but was wondering if the instrument is still used (if it
>ever was)in the folk music tradition of the Lowland areas? One typically
>associates this instrument in the "German" tradition with Austrian/Tyrolean
>folk music, where it is still quite popular.
>If it is still used in the Lowland area folk tradition , I would be curious
>to get some sort of detailed info regarding the instrument, particularly,
>how many strings, what are they tuned to and is the instrument typically
>strummed or fingerpicked (or even bowed)? Also, are there any books
>available with folktunes in them in tablature form? I suspect probably not
>many as being a folk instrument, like the American version, one typically
>learns "by ear", though here there are many instructional books on the
>basics of the instrument.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>Thanks in advance,
>Mike Szelog
>Manchester, NH - USA
>mike.szelog at citizensbank.com
Mike, I have a 1-vol. Norton/Grove Concise Encyclopedia of Music, and it
has brief articles under most of the various names you mentioned in your
message. A better bet would be Grove's Dictionary of Music (6th ed.),
available in all music libraries of any quality. There you may well find
other much more detailed dictionaries of musical instruments. Norton/Grove
calls the Mountain Dulcimer the Appalachian Dulcimer. What you have is
apparently closest to what is called Hommel, and is certainly used in the
Low Countries, adjacent parts of Germany, and in Scandinavia. Good luck!
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