LL-L: "Grammar" LOWLANDS-L, 14.OCT.2001 (02) [S]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 14 22:11:57 UTC 2001
L O W L A N D S - L * 14.OCT.2001 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachian, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic, Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Andy Eagle <Andy.Eagle at t-online.de>
Subject: "Grammar" [S]
Sandy Fleming wrate:
>Ay, A mibbie didna mak masel clear, but tho A'm "hardwirin" spellin
>corrections in, chainges o grammar'll be offered as a option (ie sneck
on a
>button for tae sort the grammar aa ootthrou the displayed text), sae the
>question o whether tae dae it or no disna come up - it's juist a
question o
>what's the best wey o daein'd.
A liftit whit ye wis at. Gin it's plain tae see that whit ye've chynged
is your daein an ye expone whit for A dinna see a problem. Naebodie coud
faut ye for fausifeein ither fowks Wark. Aw ye're daein is makkin
'academic' comment on it. A think whit ye're efter daein is guid. Shaw
the differ atween 'leeterar' an 'tradeetiona' Scots. Brings tae mynd
whit fowk wis creeticisin aboot McDiarmids 'Synthetic' Scots. Gaun bi
the puckle Burns texts uised here - it leuks awfu like Burns whiles
likit tae be 'synthetic'.
>>>> A jalouse Burns wis uisin HADST THOU for effect tae shaw
>>>> 'preachin' is mynt.
>>>> At the time thare wisna a readily available Scots Bible tae lift a
>>>> fae.
>>>> Gin ye chynge thon ye micht be chyngin whit Burns wis mynt tae pit
>>A'm agreed, but ye can tak a mair "what if" approach. Like, "What if
>>haed aye been tocht in the schuils? Then thae folk wad a written better
>>grammar." Likwice, "What if thae Scots Bibles haed been uized? Then
>>idea wad A been tae uize the Scots form o biblical diction."
'What if' is a muckle quaisten. Whit if the Guid Beuk haed been pitten
ower intae aulder Scots? Whit if the union o crouns an pairlaments
haedna come tae pass? Suld we be wrytand mychty mykkil mydil Scottis?
>>At ony rate, like A says, this'll be a option, sae A dinna see ony
herm in
>>chaingin it, it's juist a question o hou far tae gang.
Richt eneuch, A canna gie ye a richt answer but a can gie ye an opeenion
on hou faur tae gang;-) <sned> This gits on tae ane o the raesons for
wantin tae dae this kin o thing at
>>aa - the'r the fack that mony o thae poems, an espeecially the Tam
>>O'Shanter, is gey popular for recitations, an even tho "thou" micht
no turn
>>up in modern spaek, a reciter could weel dae wi poetry written mair
>>espeecially a native spaeker, that A think's bound tae finnd the richt
>>grammar far lichter on the tongue than the anglified vairsions.
Richt eneuch. Eneuch fowk maks a mill o the ordinar versions acause o
the 'English' spellins. Hou aft hae A haurd Burns pronounced wrang an
nane o the rhymes wirkin. Disna oniebodie wunner whit for it disna rhyme?
Andy Eagle
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