LL-L "Orthography" 2002.04.24 (05) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 24 21:44:32 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 24.APR.2002 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: erek gass <egass at caribline.com>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2002.04.23 (03) [E]
Still, inconsisty abounds. Yes, "occur" yields "occurred". But "offer"
yields "offered".
From: erek gass <egass at caribline.com>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2002.04.23 (02) [E]
One inherent problem is obvious reading Kevin's e-mail. "Envelop"
(pron. "en-VEL-up") is clearly a verb. By adding the "e" at the end, we
have "envelope" (pron. EN-vel-op [last syllable riming with "hope"]).
For all the criticism of English spelling practices, "it ain't all bad,
folks". If spelling reforms are brought about, let's be VERY careful
not "to throw out the baby with the bathwater" (my day for platitudes).
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties
Erek Gass wrote above:
> Still, inconsisty abounds. Yes, "occur" yields "occurred". But
> "offer" yields "offered".
I don't consider this an inconsistency (however much I love pointing out
the abundance of inconsistency in English orthography).
The difference appears to be due to stress allocation. "Occur" is
stressed on the stem-final syllable: "occúr" [?O'k3(r)]. "Offer" is
stressed on the stem-initial syllable: "óffer" ['?Of@(r)]. If you wrote
*<occured> instead of <occurred>, it would suggest the pronunciation
*[?'kju@(r)d], as in <cured> [kju@(r)d], <allured> [?@'l(j)u@(r)d] and
<endured> [?In'dju@(r)d]. The spelling <rr> thus is necessary. It is
not warranted in the case of <offered>, because, as far as I know, <rr>
requires the immediately preceeding syllable to carry primary stress;
thus, *<offerred> would suggest the pronunciation *"offérred"
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