LL-L "Language varieties" 2002.08.05 (01) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Mon Aug 5 14:56:42 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 05.AUG.2002 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Mathieu.vanWoerkom at student.kun.nl
Subject: Limburgish
Three days ago, Gary Taylor wrote:
>> Another question (still under language varieties so I
>> can hopefully get away with it in the same mail).
>> Berlinisch has 'ik' but 'machen'. I think I'm right in
>> saying that Limburgish has 'ich' but 'maken'. Is this
>> too then regarded as a crossover area between Low and
>> Middle German or does it have a much stronger Lowlands
>> tradition?
Yes, Limburgish has indeed 'ich maak' for 'I make', and also:
- ouch (E. also. D. ook, G. auch)
- uch (E. you (dativ+accusativ plural), D. jullie, G. euch)
- mich & dich (E. me & you, D. mij & jou, G. mich & dich)
- water (E. water, D. water, G. Wasser)
- det (E. that, D. dat, G. dass)
- op (E. up/on, D. op, G. auf)
- dörp (E. village, D. dorp, G. Dorf)
- kirk (E. church, D. kerk, G. Kirche)
- eik (E. oak, D. eik, G. Eich)
So Limburgish is indeed a crossover area between Low and Middel German
(genealogical classification is Rhinelandic). The traditions in Limburg
are not
paticularly 'Lowlandic', but has/had a lot of Rhinelandic influences
(especially cities like Cologne and Aachen).
But, of course there are Lowlandic influences as well, if only for the
that it has been under Dutch for a long time, that's why Limburgish is
part of
this discussion list!
Especially the growing power of Brabant had a great influence on
also Wallonie, a French speaking part of Belgium).
French influences on Limburgish language are for instance:
E. L. F.
fork fersjèt fourchette
okay alleh allez
groceries kemissies commissions
newspaper gezèt gazette
to remember zich rappelere se rappeler
cup tas tasse
shivering sjoevering chaud-froid
Mathieu van Woerkom
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