LL-L "Language contacts" 2002.08.14 (06) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Wed Aug 14 20:12:28 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 14.AUG.2002 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Language contacts"
> From: Helge Tietz <helgetietz at yahoo.com>
> Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2002.08.13 (08) [E]
> Moin, moin leve Fruennen !
> I have checked John's web-site and I noticed that the
> word "forget" is "foryat" in Shetlandic, this sounds
> very much the Dutch "vergeet", Frisian dialects have a
> similar pronounciation. Is this pronounciation derived
> from the Scottish mainland or is it due to other
> influences ? I assume Norn would have been something
> like Danish "gloemme", so it obviously is not of Norse
> origion. People on the Faroes told me that Sudhuroy,
> the most southern island of the Faroes, had a Frisian
> influence and there is a legend that once a bishop was
> murdered by one of the last pagans and this pagan was
> referred to be a Frisian. Is there possible a Frisian
> connection between Shetland and the Frisians as well ?
I would think "foryat" in Shetlandic is from mainland Scots.
We can see this sort of thing in older Scots, for example in
Alexander Montgomerie's "The Cherrie and the Slae" (where the
"3" character is pronounced /j/):
As skorne cummis commonlie with skaith,
Sa I behufit to byde them baith,
O quhat an stakkering stait!
For under cure I gat sik chek,
Quhilk I micht nocht remuif nor nek
Bot eyther stail or mait.
My agonie was sa extreme,
I swelt and soundt for feir:
Bot or I walkynnit of my dreme,
He spul3ied me of my geir:
With flicht than, on hicht than,
Sprang Cupid in the skyis:
For3etting, and setting,
At nocht my cairfull cryis.
A dinna dout him, for he says that he
On nae accoont wad ever tell a lee.
- C.W.Wade,
'The Adventures o McNab'
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