LL-L "Measure words" 2002.12.15 (03) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Mon Dec 16 02:34:03 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 15.DEC.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: corber <corber at shaw.ca>
Subject: mesure

Dear Lowlanders!
  Joe Stromberg asks if there is any reason why the US should adopt Metric.
I can think of one reaon.. When the US citizens travels to other countries
on business or pleasure ,they would better understand the values of goods
and distances between cities or the heights of mountains..Of course Joe is
right that Metric will never happen in the US unless it is legislated . In
Canada metrication stalled when a far right government was elected,who had
promised to kill it,but could or would not ...It's use is increasing slowly
and will continue more quickly once the over 60 people are gone ... Enjoy
the season....Cornelius Bergen


From: bowman <bowman at montana.com>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2002.12.15 (01) [D/E/German]

At 12:31 AM 12/16/2002 -0800, Joe Stromberg wrote:
>If we ever do need the metric system, it will be adopted gradually through
>normal market decisions. No politician will have to lift a finger.

There wasn't much of a market decision about the 750 ml 'fifth' of whisky.
The BATF said, "Thou shalt" and the liquor and wine bottlers obeyed.

[Robert Bowman]


From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Measure words" 2002.12.15 (01) [D/E/German]

Ross May wrote:

> ... But the citizenry will speak the
> language that they choose to, just as the people of America have chosen to
> use the SAE measurements instead of the metric.  Metric usage has been
> pushed in the schools for many years, and it simply will not replace the
> common one that we use.  Not unless the people are willing.  It is a
> language of sorts, this metric system.  It is sensible, being based on the
> divisibility of tens, and it is exponentially sound.  But, this does not
> reflect the will of the many.

Ross, I very much disagree. How can this archaic measuring system reflect
"the will of many", since it is being FORCED on the American people by their
own government? They can "push it" (?!) in schools all they want (which they
actually don't!) as long as road signs and speedometers are still in miles,
newscasters predict temperatures in Fahrenheit, gasoline is sold by the
gallon, and, and, and... What CHANCE does an American have to actually use
the metric system? I am European and lived in the USA for eight years; it is
not like I ever had a choice which system I wanted to use. Using the metric
system is simply not allowed as an option in day-to-day life. My children
were even punished for trying to use metric units in school and made to mend
their evil, un-American ways. You make it sound like the American people are
exercising some kind of "freedom" by putting up with this herd of dinosaurs.
This could not be farther from the truth.

Unless, maybe, it is considered "patriotic" to stubbornly adhere to a system
that requires you to measure 1/64 of an inch? I have a sinking feeling that
this is exactly the case - in a country which has been built by humans from
many nations, maybe it gives Americans an extra feeling of national identity
(and a slight feeling of triumph over all those hapless immigrants who have
to switch from a world-wide system that makes perfect sense to this relic of
WASP superiority).

By the way, an average man's foot is ten inches long at most - much shorter
than twelve inches, or "one foot" (but then, we know about that male
tendency to exaggerate...). And what about women's feet? They make up half
the population.

Gabriele Kahn

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