LL-L "Identity" 2002.12.31 (01) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Tue Dec 31 15:39:24 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 31.DEC.2002 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic
V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: rossmay <rossmay at bellsouth.net>
Subject: LL-L "Identity" 2002.12.30 (05) [E]
Paul's reply supporting Gabrielle's remarks seemed to me to be an extension
of the same attitude. The area of the United States from which I write has
been called by some writers "The Celtic South", and with good reason. I
suppose our attitudes in many things came with our ancestors, who were
mostly Celts of one country or the other. I heard another writer say that a
telephone directory in Mississippi reads like one in Belfast. (Scots-Irish,
or "Scotch-Irish as it used to be called)
Paul's split ancestry is not uncommon in the United States, nor is
pride in the "Motherland" or the "Fatherland". I suppose that there are
many in the world with an attitude similar to Paul and Gabrielle, and I say
that that is your prerogative, and it fits in nicely with the "one world"
philosophy. I will not mention that again, and will try to stick to
factual, or things that I believe to be factual, about languages with which
I am familiar and have studied.
I am very interested in everything that is discussed on this site,
and have learned a great deal the short time that I have been a subscriber.
I will try to keep things on an impersonal basis. If I err, or make an
equivocable statement, please reply to the message, but don't behead the
messenger, and I will do the same.
If my replies are colored by my conservatism, sobeit. But, I do not
subscribe to the school of political correctness. If I use a term, such as,
"uncivilized world", instead of the politically correct term,"developing
world," please do not correct me. Political Correctness reminds me of a
painted stage set, with a paper moon.
Now to reply to the other criticism. The Act of 1695 by the English
Parliament established English schools, for the express purpose of finally
doing away with the "Irish" tongue as it was called. There were stiff
penalties for not teaching English, and continuing to use and allow the
"savage" language to be used. That is what the respected Scottish author,
Fitzroy MacLean wrote in his book, "Scotland". He has been paraphrased by
other respected authors. The next Parliamentary act disarmed the Scottish
people (sound familiar?) to better control them, and some Scots actually
stopped carrying weapons, but very few. The government of George the First
didn't need law to act, anyway, as evidenced by the Massacre of Glencoe, an
act to set an example to the rest of the Scots.
Enough of this history. I will get kicked-off for digression. Sorry.
I have another new comment that brings to mind a "language" mentioned in
the heading, A-Appalachian. Now, I love to discuss that dialect, since it
hits home with me.
Harlan Ross May
Gulfport, Mississippi, USA
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