LL-L "Orthography" 2002.02.04 (05) [S]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 4 19:59:25 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 04.FEB.2002 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Orthography"
> From: "John M. Tait" <jmtait at altavista.net>
> Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2002.01.31 (03) [S]
> I'v typit aa the Shetland wittins inti Excel in modified SAMPA, an
> importit it inti Access whaur I coud query it wi SQL. But this wad be a
> byordinar trauchle for the hale LAS3.
It wad be a trauchle richt eneuch, typin it aa intae Excel! Gin
ye'd uised the Access interface ye could a uised update queries
an the like tae help ye oot wi a lot o things - at least I wad
think sae, fae the amoont o duplication in the tables (tho whan
I say "tables" I think thae lists atween the tables is mair
uisefu for the kin o thing I hae in mind).
> Hou monie dis SSE hae? Wad it be like meenimum Scots, but wi /O/ an
> wi'oot /Y/? Or wad /O/ an Q/ be the same? Aitken's airticle in The
> Oxford Companion to the English Language says it haes 14 includin
> diphthongs 'the monophthongs and diphthongs total 14 vowel sounds,
> perhaps the smallest vowel system of any long-established variety of
> English.' He disna leet thaim, tho, an I canna think on onie ither beuks
> I hae at wad. My ain English is nae uiss for analysin, cause it haes
> mair sinderins nor ordinar SSE - like cot/caught an cam/calm.
I'm no shuir aboot SSE. Leukin at ma phonetics page I've listit
five diphthongs that I think on as basic - I ken the'r variants
but juidgin fae traditional literatur I'd think thir five is the
distinctive anes (phonemes, in the sense o no cannin find ony ither
minimal pairs).
Sae takkin thir five awa fae Aitken's 14 wad leave nine monophthongs.
That's a perfit result - gin it's richt!
> Hit's adae wi the reflexes in modren Scots an SSE o auld Scots phonemes,
> at in turn derives frae Auld English. CSD an Johnston baith haes some
> wittins aboot this. Sae the differin vowels is heired frae aulder Scots,
> but mixtered awa in a lot o modren Scots dialects.
Ay, I think it's aboot time I puld back an regrouped on aa this!
I'll hae tae git the backgrund readin duin, nou that I ken the ar
reads tae be haed! I'll be up in Scotland again in Mey an try the
> LAS is no ayewis reliable aboot things like this. For example, words
> like _tocht_, _brocht_ (at I say [tout], [bout] an aulder fowk wad sayed
> [touCt], [bouCt]) is leetit in the LAS section for Hamnavoe (Burra Isle)
Hmmmmm!! What aa dialecks haes the /x/ phoneme been lost fae, than?
I wad say [toxt], [boxt] - I think the "caught" [ko?] is juist a English
len that whiles replaces "catched".
A dinna dout him, for he says that he
On nae accoont wad ever tell a lee.
- C.W.Wade,
'The Adventures o McNab'
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