LL-L "Language learning" 2002.11.21 (02) [E]

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Thu Nov 21 15:44:24 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 21.NOV.2002 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Language learning" 2002.11.20 (06) [E]

During my eight years in America, there were plenty of people trying out
their "German" on me. I must say that, most of the time, I found it pretty
annoying because all they could say was usually a phrase or two along the
lines of "Auf Widdersayn, Fraulein" - and expected me to ooh and aah over

Twenty-four years ago, I was driven crazy while vacationing in Alsace,
France, where most people speak French and German equally well. Inevitably,
when I addressed people in stores etc. in French, they would reply in
German. But when I spoke German first, they'd reply in French. Maybe their
German was a reward for being "good" and acknowledging that Alsace belongs
to France, and their French was the punishment for being "rude" and acting
like I was in Germany? Or did they just do it for the heck of it? Was it a
game of confuse-a-boche? I never found out.

Gabriele Kahn


From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language Learning

Dear All

Ron wrote in response to John:

>It takes an awful lot of
>motivation and self-discipline for an English speaker
(native or fluently
>non-native) to learn languages of countries in which
the majority of people
>possess fair to good English proficiency, and this
would be most of Europe,
>certainly in urban settings, especially Northwestern

Too true. I've now been in Germany for nearly two
years, and can speak the language pretty well, albeit
with a few mistakes, but it's very rare that I don't
understand what's been said to me. However I still get
people speaking English to me as soon as they hear my
dodgy English accent, and especially if I haven't
heard what they said acoustically and ask them to
repeat it, without meaning that I haven't understood
because my German's not good enough. It's all very
irritating! If this happens to me, I either continue
to speak German, or 'put on' my strongest London
accent in the hope that I can get my revenge.

If you are a native speaker of a language which isn't
English, please don't do this unless the person asks.
If they start to speak in your language, at least
they're making the effort, however bad it is, and this
should be encouraged - especially among native English
speakers, who are often far too lazy to learn other


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