LL-L "Language survival" 2002.10.15 (03) [E/S]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Tue Oct 15 15:29:24 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 15.OCT.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic
V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: John M. Tait <jmtait at wirhoose.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Language survival" 2002.10.06 (06) [E]
Sandy wrote:
>John, you see everything in black!
Canna deny it. My uisual reply ti the question o whither the gless is hauf
fou or hauf tuim is at I canna see naething in it ava!
>Seven years ago, I wouldn't have known any better than to
>use these books uncritically, either - but now I do know
>better. Teachers favourably disposed towards Scots are also
>likely to use Lorimer and Colin's book, and perhaps trawl
>through ScotsteXt in search of further texts. Ultimately
>it's a question of making enough good text and instruction
>available for people to realise what's wrong with some of
>them (such as Robertson's). Again, it comes back to the
>question of a critical mass being available, and I think
>we're making progress there.
>No doubt these problems you keep going over are interesting
>discussion points, but you can't _solve_ problems without
>some sort of optimism to the effect that solutions can be
Aye, this is true eneuch, an makkin up mair an mair guid graith is gaun the
richt wey. But I feel at, at some stage or anither, the wey at the Scots
langage 'scene' is dominatit bi thaim at caa's aathing an oniething 'Scots',
an writes juist English wi Scots bitties here an thare, maun be teckled
heid-on. Ithergates, the guid graith will juist be seen as anither
contribution alang wi aa the ither troke, ane as guid as the ither.
In the wider minority-langage warld, I see fowk recognisin at some kynd o
standardisation (tho that's aye no a verra guid word, cause it can hae the
wrang connotations) is necessar in the upbiggin o a leid. I see at the
representatives o Sardinian an Romansch in European minority langage circles
(canna mynd aither o thair names) recognises this. Sae in thae kintras, the
'aathing an oniething' approach canna hae siccan a haud as it dis ower here.
John M. Tait.
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