LL-L "Orthography" 2002.10.27 (04) [S]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Sun Oct 27 21:35:18 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 27.OCT.2002 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Orthography"

Nouadays I aye uizes automatic transliteration tools tae
prepare the texts on ScotsteXt for uploadin.

This means that whan A come across spellins A dinna richt
unnerstaun, A canna git past them wi a wee bit internal
bletherie ony mair!

As weel, the orthographic considerations for electronic
texts can be a bit different in their ettle nor texts for
fowk haein read at. In parteeclar:

    o    bein technically (or historically) richt is like
         tae be mair important than the text leukin familiar
         (wi hou the wirds can be translatit intae mair
         familiar spellins automatic);

    o    it's better if a spellin can staun as a unique
         signifier for a wird (sae's the transliteration
         saftware disna git fanklt ower the likes o <wid>
         ("wood") an <wud> ("mad"), for example, it wad be
         better tae wale <wid> for "wood" - if the <wud>
         spellin wis nott at the last, the transliterator
         could haunle it).

Onywey, ae parteeclar area o spellin A'm no shuir aboot is
auxiliaries, espaecially the conditionals written in English
<would>, <could> an <should>, an as weel, <shall>.

The questions is:

    o    A tak it that the best wey tae spell <could> an
         <should> is wi the saicondary vowel, ie <cuid> an

    o    Ar the ony kin o differ wirth preservin atween the
         forms <shuid> an <shall> an <suid> an <sall> in
         traditional texts, or wad A be as weel tae settle
         on the tae kin o sibilant an lat the transliterator
         owerset tae the tither gin it's wantit?

    o    What alternative spellins ar the for <wad>, that
         wad sinder it fae <wad> meanin "mairy"? The SND
         suggests <wald> - appearinly the /l/ is or wis
         soondit in some airts, but A div still want the
         electronic texts tae be in weel-kent Scots for whan
         a transliterator's no tae haun. A dout <wald> micht
         no be a guid representation o the uizual range o
         pronunciations ootthrou the Lawlands?



From: R. F. Hahn mailto:sassisch at yahoo.com
Subject: Orthography

Sandy, Fowk,

Ay, A misdoot that A'm daein it agane: feelin mair maisterfu as A suid
(shuid?).  Ye can wyte the dictionars an Collin's braw buik an CDs o it!

Sandy, is the spellin ye yuized in the postin abuin a preein o yer ain wey?
Gin it is -- whittever it's wirth uz sayin is -- A can read it gey eithlie
an can hear it pronoonced clairlie in ma heid whan A read it (parteeclar noo
at A hae harkend tae Collin's CDs fur oors).  There's mair conseestencie
noo, and at's aye a guid an yuizfae thing, parteeclar fur the lerner at's
stertin oot ootside Scotland.  Still an on, yer spellin canna be cawed
"radical," cause ye yuize tradeetional English weys wioot the tradeetional
throuitherness and wioot the "apologetic apostrophees" Collin mints in his

A'm yet a wee bit waunert ... Whit wey div ye spell "I" what Collin spells
"A" -- an abuin ye aince spellt it "A" an aw?  An whit wey "ie", "y", "ee",
"ei" an "ea"?

(Scots-lernin geeniepig amang the fremmit)

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