LL-L "Orthography" 2002.10.27 (10) [S]

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Mon Oct 28 06:26:53 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 27.OCT.2002 (10) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Orthography"

> From: R. F. Hahn mailto:sassisch at yahoo.com
> Subject: Orthography
> Sandy, Fowk,
> Ay, A misdoot that A'm daein it agane: feelin mair maisterfu as A suid
> (shuid?).  Ye can wyte the dictionars an Collin's braw buik an CDs o it!

Ron, "misdoot" is wrang here! "Doot" in Scots means the
opposite o what it dis in English, sae "A doot" means "I
suppose" an "A misdoot" means "I disbelieve" or "I mistrust".

> A'm yet a wee bit waunert ... Whit wey div ye spell "I" what Collin spells
> "A" -- an abuin ye aince spellt it "A" an aw?  An whit wey "ie",
> "y", "ee",
> "ei" an "ea"?

A startit the mail in English an syne efter typin twathree
wirds decidit tae write it in Scots insteed - A maun a forgotten
tae chainge the English "I" intae a Scots "A" in the first sentence!

The'r some odds atween ma spellin an Colin's that A understaun
like this:

1. Colin (A think) haes tried tae follae dictionars like the
SND an CSD. The spellins in thame's aa tae crockanition, tho
A'm shuir Colin's managed tae pit some order on the chaos for
his beuk (an thare a example o ae differ - Colin writes <buik>
lippenin tae the dictionars an certain historical uises, while
A write <beuk> tae better shaw the modern soondin o the wird).

2. Colin writes a <y> afore wirds like <yuize> - this aye
surprises me cause A soonds this <y> (/j/) in ma ain dialeck
but A wadna thocht a Buchan man like Colin wad a soondit it!
Even tho A say it A dinna masel write it wi hou the'r ither
wirds in ma dialeck that haes this /j/. For example, A'd hae
tae write <ae> as <yae>, <ane> as <yin>, <aiblins> as <yiblins>
an siclike gin A war tae write <yuize> an <yuise> like Colin
dis. Sae no writin this <y> seems tae me tae gie a mair
universal (/jInI'vE:rs=l/ -> <yuiniversal>!) kin o orthography.

3. In writin the likes o <monie> for ma <mony>, Colin's gaun
wi his theory o vowel hermony. A'd caa this a guid idea gin
vowel hermony wis widespreed in Scots, but it's no. It wad mak
richt spellin faur ower hard for fowk disna ken Colin's parteeclar

4. Colin's uise o <ie>, <ei>, <ee>, <ea>, <ae> micht no be the
same as mines. As faur as A can lift the principles, A uizes
diaphonemics for the /e:/, /i(:)/ soonds across dialecks, an
again the ettle here's makkin the spellin as universal as A

Hivin sayed aa this, baith ma spellins an Colin's is aa fanklt
wi English orthographic 'principles', an sae ye can haurly expeck
conseestency onywey! A ken fine nouadays hou tae heyst masel oot
this historic boggie, but A'v got it on guid authority that naebody
wad want tae read ma Scots if A did!



From: R. F. Hahn mailto:sassisch at yahoo.com
Subject: Orthography

Thenk ye for yer help an expoondin, Sandy!

> > Ay, A misdoot that A'm daein it agane: feelin mair maisterfu as A suid
> > (shuid?).  Ye can wyte the dictionars an Collin's braw buik an CDs o it!
> Ron, "misdoot" is wrang here! "Doot" in Scots means the
> opposite o what it dis in English, sae "A doot" means "I
> suppose" an "A misdoot" means "I disbelieve" or "I mistrust".

Och, A wis jist ettlin tae say sumhin lik "I'm afraid that ..."  Hoo wuid ye
say at (gin at au)?  "A'm feart at ..."?

"Diaphonemics across dialecks" soonds guid (geud?).  Noo ye're truelins
speikin ma langage!  Bit A unerstaun at there's aye a mids i the sea atween
at an whit five echt can accep.

Whit's needit is a comparativ table o the (dia-)phonemes and the odds o
spellin them.  Weel, at's a haundlin for yer rife by-time.  ;)


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