LL-L "Language use" 2002.09.12 (01) [E/LS]

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Thu Sep 12 15:11:25 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 12.SEP.2002 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: "Reuben Epp" <repp at silk.net>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.09.10 (10) [E/LS]

> "Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
> Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.09.10 (09) [E]
> In Noorddütschland (ne blaut in L.S., mann- ick lööv, door is dat heer)
> snackt wii von 'n "Paddel" (adj. "paddelich") as 'n Minschen, dee sick
> ne recht tau bewegen un' tau benehmen weit (E: "someone unable to
> move and behave with some elegance"), U.G.: [substant.] "Tropf",
> "unbeholfener Mensch", [adj.] "ungelenk", "hölzern" [now- have a look
> to Your "timber"!]).
> Tau "Fööt" (E: "feet", U.G: "Füsse") waard ook "Paddel" seggt.
> Best Greutens
> Fiete.

Dear Lowlanders,

I'm not sure that I am crediting the appropriate author of the foregoing
comment re: "paddelich," but would like to add the Plautdietsch

In Plautdietsch, the well-known, somewhat interchangeable adjectives/
adverbs 'padollsch' and 'padäwelig,' have about the same meaning:
'awkward, clumsy, noisy, inelegant, coarse or wooden.'


Reuben Epp


From: "W. Jaap Engelsman" <engelsma at euronet.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.09.10 (10) [E/LS]

Dear Lowlanders,

Thanks to you all for thinking up solutions for the origin of Sinhalese
padda-boat. However: any connection with "paddel, peddel" appears to be
impossible or at least very unlikely:

1. Dutch "paddel, peddel" was borrowed from English in the 19th century
at a time when there were no longer any Dutch-Sinhalese relations. This
might of course mean that Sinhalese "padda-boat" was borrowed from
at the time of the English rule over Sri Lanka (the fact that the object
was introduced by the Dutch, does not necessarily mean it has to have a
Dutch name) (but see point 2). English "paddle-boat" as source for the
Sinhalese word is very unlikely, however, as this is an American English
word, which does not mean 'rowing boat', but 'paddle steamer, paddle
wheeler' -- those huge Mississippi boats propelled by revolving wheels.

2. A word like paddel/paddle would in Sinhalese have become something
paddala(ya), compare: Dutch boedel (estate) is borrowed in Sinhalese as
budalaya, Dutch zadel (saddle) is loaned as sädalaya. I have more
there is no case in which the -(e)l- has disappeared.

So the origin remains a mystery. Does anyone know a specialist in
Sinhalese? We would be very grateful.

Nicoline van der Sijs, Jaap Engelsman


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Jaap and Nicolene,

You might want to start with the Sinhala Language Page
(http://www.sinhalapage.com/).  It has many useful links, including one
to a discussion forum.

You could also write to the following for information:

Center for South Asia Studies
10 Stephens Hall MC 2310
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-2310

Phone: 510-642-3608
Fax: 510-643-5793
Email: csasasst at uclink4.berkeley.edu

The following are professors that deal with and teach Sinhala in the

Chris Minkowski (Cornell Univ.)
czml at cornell.edu

Harold Schiffman (Univ. of Pennsylvanian)
plc at ccat.sas.upenn.edu

David Ludden (Univ. of Pennsylvanian)
dludden at sas.upenn.edu

John C Paolillo (Univ. of Texas, Arlington)
john at ling.uta.edu, johnp at utafll.uta.edu


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