LL-L "Morphology" 2002.09.19 (15) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Thu Sep 19 23:27:43 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 19.SEP.2002 (15) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
Subject: LL-L "Morphology" 2002.09.19 (13) [E]

Hi, Ron, You wrote:
> ....At any rate, the etymology is not transparent to the average speaker.

I do agree, of course.

But- I'm feeling the pepper still to look for any interesting connections,
complexive and anti-ruled etymological matters. Is'nt THAT one of those
things making discussions on LL-L interesting? For me it does- maybe I'm
sometimes right or often wrong in my ideas/thoughts.




From: Holger Weigelt <platt at HOLGER-WEIGELT.DE>
Subject: LL-L "Categories" 2002.09.18 (05) [E]

>From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
>Subject: LL-L "Pronouns" 2002.09.15 (05) [E]
>Ron, Low- and Leeglanners,
>some days ago You tought me:
>> *All* diminutive derivations of nouns--irrespective of the gender of the
>> original nouns--have neuter gender in Lowlands Saxon (Low German), German
>> and Dutch (and I suppose in other Continental Lowlands varieties as
>and, of course, You are absolutely right!
>But- could there be sweet *s* exceptions of the rule? Or is it just wrong
>talk this way (but LS people do!)?
>In our LS-dialect we use to say "de (male) Bonscher", (UG) "der
(and: "das")
>Bonbon", (LS) "geev mi dennen Bonscher" (UG) "Gib mir den (das) Bonbon",
>"give the bonbon to me". The French origin is male, but I suppose the LS
>"Bonscher" to be a diminutive derivation of it?!
>The other word is the (East-)Frisian "Wicht", (UG) "M䤣hen", (E) "girl". I
>have forgotten-is it used with female or neuter pronoun?

Moin Fiete !

In Eastern Friesland we say "dat boltje" (sweet, candy)[dabOIc@]. But there
is a tendency to change originally neuter words into male ones according to
the proper German forms. A typical example is "sghap" (wardrobe).
Genuine "dat sghap" nowadays is mostly replaced by "da"i sghap" (because of
the known problems I write ~a"~ for a-Umlaut). Thus You'll sometimes also
hear "da"i boltje". Dau mi: dat boltje ! / Dau mi: da"i boltje !
In Eastern Friesland Low Saxon diminutives are signalized by the endings
~tje/~ke. There is also a diminutive for "dat wicht" - "dat wichtje" (in
some areas of Eastern Friesland a girl is called "fóen" or dim. "fóntje").
Except the above mentioned change I don't know any example of non-neuter
diminutives from EF-Low Saxon.


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