LL-L "Idiomatica" 2003.08.06 (04) [LS]
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Wed Aug 6 22:28:39 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 06.AUG.2003 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann <Fieteding at gmx.net>
Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2003.08.06 (01) [E]
Dach ook, Anja, Wim, moin, Reynhard,
Jii schreev' n:
Anja Meyfarth anja-meyfarth at t-online.de
*Moin Moin*:
> No, not North Frisian! It's typicel East frisian, at least it has been.
> But
> it isn't in use in North frisian dialects. I believe it spread because of
> advertising. Some breweries (especially one from Flensburg) are using
> clischees (is that correct? Couldn't find the word in my dictionaries) of
> what a typical North German should be like. And Otto (comedian from East
> Frisia, especially in the Seventies and Eighties) did a lot, too.
>It's nice to use it
> when
> tourists from Southern Germany are here. They are so irritated when at
> eigth
> a'clock in the evening greeted with "Moin moin". We normally don't
> explain...
> Well, a friend of mine from Bremen was sure that "moin moin" was wrong,
> correct would be only one "Moin",
> Moin moin from Kiel (best weather as possible)!
> Anja
R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Well, I personally feel Anja's theory (above) may be on the right track,
> namely that repetition of greetings add an air of cheerfulness,
> And then we have non-American English "Ta-ta!" as an "Bye-bye!"
> alternative.
> Ta-ta, moin-moin and farvel!
> Reinhard/Ron
> It's nice to use it
> when
> tourists from Southern Germany are here.
Joo- jüsst sau is dat hier!
Föör' n ennigen Plattdüütschen is dat rein weg verbauden, no Clocker Teihn
noch "Moin" tau seggen.
Un' - "Moin, moin" waard ünner "Native" amend ne seggt.
Dat "Moin" is all recht aul (ick weeit von öber tachentig Joorn)-
meuglicherwiis wöör 't all jümmer dat korrekte Greuten an 'n Vöörmiddag.
Door koomt ook miin Theorie her, watt datt in 'n Oorsprong "Moj 'n Monnen"
heeiten kunn.
Ook in Oostfreesland waard blaut "Moin" seggt- mann: door waard 't dennen
heelen Dach bruukt.
Looter (von kott vöör Middach opp an) heeit dat denn "Gauden Dach" or "Dach
> Well, a friend of mine from Bremen was sure that "moin moin" was wrong,
> correct would be only one "Moin",
Ick denk, hei hett door woll recht mit (kiek noo booben!).
Ron, Wim:
Tau Jau' n "repetitions":
>It's usually in a greeting, couls
>scandianavian usuages have influenced Neder-Saksich?
Door givvt datt 'n heel Bült meihr von:
*Mann, mann* (mit Kopp schötteln)
*kiek, kiek!* (mit dennen Finger wiis'n)
*ssüh, ssüh* (heff ick joo all jümmer wüsst! - Datt müss' jo woll sau
*sau, sau* (na, wenn datt woll woohr is)
*tau, tau* (waard Tiid, watt Du inne Gang koomen deihst)
*wau, wau* (seggt de platdüütschen Hunnen)
Wo kummt dat "ta-ta" woll von aff? Mi dücht, wii hefft door vöör 'n Stücker
watt Weeken över snackt/schreev'n, mann- ick kann mi ne meihr recht
Wees 't ne düll, watt ick dat Vonnoobend ne meihr in 't Ingelte översetten
dauh- bünn tau meud!
Gaud 'n Oobend wünsch ick Jau aaltohaup:
Not Lucifer I fear,
but those almighty Gods
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