LL-L "Anthems" 2003.12.11 (08) [E]
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Thu Dec 11 22:58:50 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 11.DEC.2003 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anthems
More anthems of Britain:
Hen Wlad fy Nhadau | Land of my Fathers
(The Welsh Anthem)
[Midi: http://www.wngga.org/HenWlad.html]
[Sound recording:
[Sound recording:
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion enwogion o fri
Ei gwrol ryfelwr, gwlad garwyr tra mad
Tros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.
Gwlad Gwlad,
Pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad,
Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau
O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau
Land of my Fathers, O land of the free,
A land of poets and minstrels, famed men.
Her brave warriors, patriots much blessed,
It was for freedom that they lost their blood.
Wales! Wales!
I am devoted to my country.
So long as the sea is a wall to this fair beautiful land,
May the ancient language remain.
(unofficial anthem of the Isle of Man)
[Midi: http://www.laurasmidiheaven.com/International/isle-man.mid]
[Sound recording: http://members.lycos.co.uk/ady/anth_v1.ra]
When the summer day is over and its busy cares have flown,
I sit beneath the starlight with a weary heart alone:
Then rises like a vision, sparkling bright in nature's glee,
My own dear Ellan Vannin with its green hills by the sea.
Then I hear the wavelets murmur as they kiss the fairy shore,
Then beneath the emerald waters sings the mermaid as of yore.
And the fair Isle shines with beauty as in youth it dawned on me-
My own dear Ellan Vannin with its green hills by the sea
Then memories sweet and tender come like music's plaintive flow
Of the hearts in Ellan Vannin that loved me long ago;
And I give, with tears and blessings, my fondest thoughts to thee,
My own dear Ellan Vannin with its green hills by the sea.
Source: http://www.laurasmidiheaven.com/International/
(unofficial anthem of the Isle of Guernsey, Channel Islands)
(Sound: http://www.guernsey-press.com/GP_on_line/music/sarniacherie.mp3)
Sarnia; dear Homeland, Gem of the sea.
Island of beauty, my heart longs for thee.
Thy voice calls me ever, in waking, or sleep,
Till my soul cries with anguish, my eyes ache to weep.
In fancy I see thee, again as of yore,
Thy verdure clad hills and thy wave beaten shore.
Thy rock sheltered bays, ah; of all thou art best,
I'm returning to greet thee, dear island of rest.
Sarnia Cherie. Gem of the sea.
Home of my childhood, my heart longs for thee.
Thy voice calls me ever, forget thee I'll never,
Island of beauty. Sarnia Cherie.
I left thee in anger, I knew not thy worth.
Journeyed afar, to the ends of the earth.
Was told of far countries, the heav'n of the bold,
Where the soil gave up diamonds, silver and gold.
The sun always shone, and "race" took no part,
But thy cry always reached me, its pain wrenched my heart.
So I'm coming home, thou of all art the best.
Returning to greet thee, dear island of rest.
(Anthem of the Isle of Jersey, Channel Islands)
[MIDI: http://www.societe-jersiaise.org/geraint/jerriais/manormandie.mid]
Standard French:
Quand tout renait a l'espérance,
Et que l'hiver fuit loin de nous,
Sous le beau ciel de notre France,
Quand le soleil revient plus doux,
Quand la nature est reverdie,
Quand l'hirondelle est de retour,
J'aime à revoir ma Normandie,
C'est le pays qui m'a donné le jour.
J'ai vu les champs de l'Helvétie,
Et ses chalets et ses glaciers,
J'ai vu le ciel de l'Italie,
Et Venise et ses gondeliers.
En saluant chaque patrie,
Je me disais aucun séjour
N'est plus beau que ma Normandie,
C'est le pays qui m'a donné le jour.
Il est un âge dans la vie,
Ou chaque rêve doit finir,
Un âge ou l'âme recueillie
A besoin de se souvenir.
Lorsque ma muse refroidie
Vers le passé fera retour,
J'irai revoir ma Normandie,
C'est le pays qui m'a donné le jour.
Norman French:
Y'a un coin d'terre que j'aime, que j'n'oubliéthai janmais -
Dans mes pensées tréjous preunmyi -
Car jé n'vai rein à compather à ses bieautés
Dans touos mes viages à l'êtrangi.
Jèrri, man paradis, pus belle taque souos l'solé -
Qué j'aime la paix dé chu Jèrri!
L'amour lé veurt, j'ai si envie dé m'en r'aller
Ãrvaie man chièr pétit pays,
Man bieau p'tit Jèrri, la reine des îles -
Lieu dé ma naissance, tu m'pâsses bein près du tchoeu;
Ã, tchi doux souv'nîn du bouon temps qu' j'ai ieu
Quand j'pense a Jèrri, la reine des îles!
Jé connais touos tes charmes; et combein qu' j'en ai joui
Auve eun-é chiéthe anmie, aut' fais!
Quand méme qué pouor a ch't heu jé n sais pon tout près d'lyi,
N'y' a rein qu' Jèrri dans mes pensées.
Et pis, comme tout bouon Jèrriais, dans l'fond d'man tchoeu
J'ai grand envie dé m'en r'aller
Dans l'île tchi m'a donné tant d'amour et d'bonheu ,
Ãrvaie ma chiéthe et man siez-mé.
There's a spot that I love that I ne'er can forget,
Tho' far I may roam 'twill be dear.
For its beauty will linger in memory yet,
Where'er o'er the world I may steer.
Dear Jersey, fair Isle, of the ocean the queen,
Thy charms are so many and rare;
For love finds a home 'mid each beauteous scene,
My heart ever longs to be there.
Beautiful Jersey, gem of the sea,
Ever my heart turns in longing to thee;
Bright are the mem'ries you waken for me,
Beautiful Jersey, gem of the sea.
On thy shores I have wandered in glad days of yore,
With one who is dear to my heart.
And the love-links will bind us as one evermore,
Although for a while we must part.
And oft in my dreams do I see the dear place
The dear little Isle of the sea,
And in fancy I gaze on a sweet loving face,
The face that is dearest to me.
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