LL-L "Holidays" 2003.12.24 (01) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Wed Dec 24 16:37:37 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 24.DEC.2003 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Ben J. Bloomgren <godsquad at cox.net>
Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2003.12.22 (04) [E]
2) Luther Bible, translated 1545
Thanks for the info. How legible is Luther Bibel today? Can anybody from
Germany read it? Is it equivalent to a KJV?
From: Wim <wkv at home.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Holidays" 2003.12.22 (04) [E]
>>From wim wkv at home.nl zwolle city netherlands
Here is the same story in yet an other language..
”Warth than in dagans jainans, urrann gagrefts fram kaisasa Agustan,
gameljan allana midjungard.”
“Soh than gistrameleins frumistra warth at wisandinn Swriais raginondin
Saurim Kwreinaiau.”
“Jah iddjedun allai, ei melidai weseina, hwarjizuh in seinai Baurg.“
“Urran than jah Iosef us Galeilaia, us baurg Nazaraith, in Idudaian, in
baurg Daweidis sei haitada Bethlaihaim, duthe ei was us garda
fadreinais Daweidis, anameljan mith Mariin sei in fragiftim was imma
qeins, wisandein inkilthon.”
“Warth than, miththanei tho wesun jainar, usfullnodedun dagos du bairan
izai. Jah gabar sunu seinana thana frumabaur jah biwand ina jah galagida
ina in uzetin, unte ni was rumis in stada thanna.”
Merry christmas!
Wim verdoold.
From: Peter Snepvangers <snepvangers at optushome.com.au>
Subject: Holidays
Dear Lowlanders,
Below please find a few more Christmas "treats" from yours truly for having
been mostly good girls and boys all year. ;)
Happy holidays!
Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn
Founder & Administrator, Lowlands-L
Hello Ron and all the Lowlanders.
Thanks for great treats all year Ron and especially that "You Beaut Aussie
Christmas Carol". I laughed my tits off. Best wishes to all for the Holidays
and thanks for sharing your knowledge, your culture and your humour.
Peter Snepvangers snepvangers at optushome.com.au
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Holidays
Thanks for the thanks, Peter, and for helping to keep things going
throughout the year.
I suppose many of you, especially those in Continental Europe, are already
enjoying Christmas Eve gift exchanges (while it is still morning here on the
North American west coast). I hope everyone is having and will have a
wonderful time, also those of you who are in the middle of Hanukkah
celebrations, those of you who, like a friend of mine, will celebrate Voudon
Bain de Noêl (Frotté feuilles, or Fête des Membres) tomorrow, and those of
you who will celebrate Kwaanza on December 26.
Below is my version of the Christmas story in Hamburg Missingsch. For those
of you who do not already know this let me explain that "Missingsch" denotes
German dialects with Lowlands Saxon ("Low German") substrates, thus "mixed"
dialects, much like the "Stedsk" dialects (i.e., Dutch dialects on Frisian
substrates) of the Northern Netherlands. "Missingsch" varieties have always
had the lowest possible status, and I assume that this is the main reason
why they are now disappearing fast. (Note: <st...> and <sp...> are
pronounced as in English, Scots, Dutch and Afrikaans, i.e. [st] and [sp],
not as [St] and [Sp] as in Limburgish, German and Yiddish. The <r> should be
"rolled," be apical, if possible. <aa> should be pronounced as Standard
Dutch <aa> and as Australian English <ar>, i.e., [a:]. <å> should be
pronounced like Swedish long <a>, as <aw> in Scots or American, or as
super-posh South English <ar>.)
Regards and best wishes,
Dasiss geweesn, als Kaiser Augustus aangeoadnet hat, aalle Määnschn solln
gezeehlt wäan. Das issas eeäste Mål geweesn, dassas sowas geebm sollde, und
das wå, als Cyrenius in Syrien das Sågng gehappt hat. Und jedä is nach
saaine Stadt hin gegaangng, damit äa då gezählt weädn kaann. Då is auch
Joseph aussie Stadt Nåzareth in Galiläå los innas jüdische Land nach Dåfiet
saaine Stadt, die Bethlehem haaißen tut. Von Dåfiet staammde äa djå app. Då
hat äa sich zeehln lassen wolln mit saaine Fraau Mariå, die däänn djå auch
noch schwaangä geweesn is.
Alssie nu då wån, då hat sie aangefaangng iä Kind zu kriegng. Un sie hat
iän eeästn Sohn gekricht, hat ihn in Winneln aainggewiggelt un inne Kribbe
raain geleecht. Sie håm djå auch kaain annän Platz gehappt, wo man då wohn'n
gekonnt hat.
Innie selbe Geegngd håm nachs Heäten aufas Feld ihre Heeäde gehüdet. Un
mitm Mål is då 'n Ängel von Gott baai sie aangekomm'm, unnas Licht von'n
Himmel hat gaanß hell um ihn rum geleuchtet. Då håm sie gaanß dolle Aangs
gekricht. Man då hat dä Ängel zu sie gesacht: "Happt man bloß kaaine Aangs!
Kuckt må, ich will euchå man bloß übä was Schönes Bescheid sågng; då solln
aalle Määnschn was von håbm. Heude is euch neemlich in Dåfiet saaine Stadt
däa Heiland aufie Welt gekomm'm. Dassis Christus, däa Häa. Då äakäännt iä
ihn aan: Iä finnet das Lüdde in Winneln aainggewiggelt, unnas liecht inne
Kribbe. Un då is baai deen Ängel däänn djå auch glaaich 'ng gaanßen Haufm
aannere Ängels aangekomm'm, un die håm aalle Gott geloopt un gesacht: "Gott
då oobm soll ge'eeät weän, un aufie Äade sollas gaanß friedlich saain, unnie
Määnschn sollnas so richtich schöön håm!"
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