LL-L "Technical" 2003.02.02 (01) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Sun Feb 2 19:23:26 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 02.FEB.2003 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * admin at lowlands-l.net * Encoding: Unicode UTF-8
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From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Orthography"
> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Orthography
> Sandy,
> Thanks for "getting with the program."
> Your text (above) arrived here with apparently all "special" characters
> properly displayed, with the exception of (aw ) /'w/ which lost its final
> vowel (['w:]?), but that may be an omission on your part.
> I assume that all this will be displayed properly in our archives
> (http://listserv.linguistlist.org/archives/lowlands-l.html).
There's problems all over the place!
When composing the mail (using Lucida Sans Unicode) everything looked fine,
except that the missing character from the IPA representation of "awa" was
my mistake - just a typo, the character appeared OK at another point in the
After sending I looked at it in my Sent Items folder, and everything was
fine except that the letters using the P. Hay Hunter diacritics had been
stripped out (this is the special 'o' and 'u' with a diacritic shaped like a
curved hacek). When I received the posting from the list, all the accented
characters had been stripped out. This is an old problem with me, but when
you sent that Arabic greeting with the graphics everything was perfect,
including the graphics and the Arabic text - how did you do that?
Looking at the posting in the archives I discovered that the Hunter
characters are displayed perfectly - it would seem that Outlook at least
sends everything correctly. However, the IPA characters ar just displayed as
blobs! Examining the source of the archived posting, it seems that the fonts
offered in the 'font-family' specifications aren't unicode. Would it be
possible to ask them to specify a unicode font in the HTML for postings?
Anyway, the archived content is good, it's just the HTML that needs to be
done differently.
Finally, if I were to change to a different mailer for Windows 98, can
anyone recommend one that's good for unicode? I've been using "Lucida Sans
Unicode", "Arial Unicode", "Times New Roman", Verdana, serif in my CSS for
one page - though I suppose Andy would know how to improve on this.
Meanwhile, a summary of the diacritic system can be seen at
http://sandyfleemin.org/pads/ which should be viewable if you have either
the Lucida Sans Unicode or Arial Unicode font installed on your system
(though I haven't tested it with Arial Unicode), and your browser set to a
suitable unicode encoding.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Technical
Thanks, Sandy.
I'm cc'ing our hosts at LINGUIST on this. Perhaps they can enlighten us.
> When I received the posting from the list, all the accented characters had
> stripped out.
They arrived intact here and in the archives. Just some of the IPA
characters did not, and that may be a display setting problem at my end.
> This is an old problem with me, but when you sent that Arabic greeting
with the
> graphics everything was perfect, including the graphics and the Arabic
Interesting, since I did not get them and they are not displayed in the
archives ...
> - how did you do that?
I simply inserted them and then switched to HTML mode (instead of the
default plain text mode). However, it distorted a few other things.
Mysteries abound ...
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