LL-L "Orthography" 2003.02.12 (02) [E/S]

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Wed Feb 12 17:40:21 UTC 2003

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From: Ian James Parsley <parsleyij at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2003.02.12 (01) [E/S]

Guid Fowk,

Andy and I are in agreement as usual on these issues.
I honestly think we're nearer a 'standard' than we
think, especially if you accept a system with
established variations as 'standard'.

[Andy writ]
Sae fill up yer glesses, lat the bottle gae roond
for the sun haes come up, tho the muin haes gane doun
an if the room be rinnin roond aboot, thare`s time
eneuch tae flit
for whan we fell, we aye gat up again, an sae will we

[A wad hae:]
Sae fill up yer glesses, let the bottle gae round
for the sun is cam up, tho the muin haes gaed doun
an if the room be rinnin round about, thare time
eneuch tae flit
for whan we fell, we aye gat up again, an sae will we

You'll notice, therefore, that with the exception of
<oo> to <ou> and use of 'there is', every difference
above is a grammatical variation involving strong
verbs. I think agreement on strong verbs is a long way
off, but with a bit of commonsense that shouldn't
matter much.


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