LL-L "Language learning" 2003.02.19 (03) [E]

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Wed Feb 19 15:29:53 UTC 2003

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From: Mathieu van Woerkom <mathieu.vanwoerkom at student.kun.nl>
Subject: Language learning

Leslie Decker wrote:
"The r's did cause a bit of trouble--my English friend
pronounced them just like she did in English, and I couldn't understand one
of the French girls at all because I could never tell if she was saying <r>
or <g>, because as far as I can tell, she pronounced them the same way."

I also get that a lot, my 'haar' sounds a bit like like 'haag'. I think this
happens a lot in Limburg, whereas for instance in the 'far west' (Den
Haag/The Hague, Leiden, Zoetermeer) the 'r' is pronounced more like the
English 'r'. In the end, it all depends on where you are and who you speak
If you are a foreigner learning Dutch, don't worry too much about the 'r',
just don't pronounce it like in American 'really'! (At least, that's my
opinion about it...)


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