LL-L "Language policies" 2003.01.26 (05) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Mon Jan 27 00:22:00 UTC 2003

 L O W L A N D S - L * 26.JAN.2003 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Colin Wilson <lcwilson at btinternet.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language policies" 2003.01.22 (09) [E]

At 22:17 22/01/03, Ian James Parsley wrote:
>It is interesting that those who choose to make the
>case for 'Ulster Scots' being a separate language from
>'Scots' choose to do so behind people's backs at
>closed meetings, rather than in public. This is
>because in public the position is indefensible.

However, it's worth pointing out that, in ratifying the European
Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the British government
listed both Scots and Ulster Scots in its list of languages covered
by the ratification. So as far as government is concerned, they're
treated as being different languages, whether that's justified or not.

Of course, it's highly convenient for them to do so, given that the
political connotations of the respective movements are poles apart.
I'm sure this is well enough understood here for me not to need to go
into detail about it. It's enough to say that to be able to promote
one while still suppressing the other, is very convenient indeed and
the disparity is much easier to rationalise if the two are treated as
different languages.

Guidwull tae awbodie,

Colin Wilson.

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