LL-L "Folklore" 2003.01.27 (08) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Mon Jan 27 23:55:38 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 27.JAN.2003 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * admin at lowlands-l.net * Encoding: Unicode UTF-8
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
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From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
Subject: Minorities
Hi, Ron and Lowlanders,
when I started to take part in this circle I found out, that there is a
great engagement among You to keep and to conserve every ethymologic and
ethnic minority.
Sometimes Ron had to use the brakes to bring us back to our ("saxonian")
Well- as far as this is concerned, this my following posting may be very
outstanding, too, and I have to be aware to be ruled and disciplined.
Some weeks ago there appeared a wolf, a real wild seeming wolf, in the woods
of the southern parts of the former kingdom of Hanover (now called UG:
"Niedersachsen"). Forest guards and hunters were sure: it was a wolf! Local
governments and authorities gave their green light to let it go its way and
assured to compensate all harm being awaited by farmers and shepherds.
During the next 10, 12 weeks this animal virulated, roamed from the near of
Kassel to the region of Hildesheim, and people watched him hunting roes
(comparible with American deers), and, of course, sheep too.
Last week it (it was a female wolf) was killed by the shot of a
bl..(*beep*).. hunter, who, as he told publically, was in fear and felt
himself threatened.
It was, as people found out by decoding a microchip in its skin, not a real
wildborne wolf but an animal having escaped from a wolf-park (UG:"Gehege")
in Eastern-Germany ("wild east -;)!").
I did adore and love this animal and followed its newspaper-stories every
day. I am really VERY sad about its death. I am sure, it was a very
intelligent and skillfull individual- no threat for any man/woman/child at
It could have become (partly) to an ancestor of a new population of wolves
in the middle of Europe.
My (serious) question to all of You, Europeans and others (who perhaps still
or again are used to live with wolves): what's Your opinion about
resettlement of wolves in civilized regions (there have been and still are
some projects like this in USA, and there are absolutely new, first, anxious
trials in sparsely settled areas of ["wild east"] Germany)?
What about that strange old, original (UG:"Ur-"[angst]) fear of wolves in
many of our cultures? So many stories, full of blood and pain, even in my
own family-histories. I don't believe just one word of them, because in
former times people HAD to hate wolves- they killed their cattle and were
their greatest "nutritial-concurrents".
I assume THAT to be the true origin of men's fear of the oldest ancestor of
their earliest domesticated and still SO very much loved animal- our dogs.
By the way: I am an engaged hunter by myself, with my own hunting-area (I
have to pay for), though I didn't kill just one wild animal for more than 5
Please- don't mind and
best regards
(Friedrich W. Neumann)
Don't mind about these letters "Ä,Ö,Ü,ä,ö,ü"- it's just a test for my mail
encoding) DS
"Iced Earth" (originally W.S., Macbeth)
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