LL-L "Folklore" 2003.01.28 (09) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Tue Jan 28 20:02:20 UTC 2003

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From: ANNETTE GIESBRECHT <beautyaround at email.com>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2003.01.27 (08) [E]

It could be in the olden times, when food was scarce, especially in winter,
the wolves through desperation attacked people.  Also when most of their
children died through various diseases, any attacked by a half starved wolf
was considered a major threat.


From: Chris Ferguson <shoogly at ntlworld.com>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2003.01.27 (08) [E]

Interesting question -there has been some talk in the last year about
reintroducing wolves to Scotland -but I haven't heard anything for about a
year or so -so don't think it is getting anywhere here. Personally I'd like
to see them introduced; Wolves were killed to extinction here in the middle
ages - because of peoples fears and ignorance of these animals. Wolves are
naturally afraid of people and keep their distance. I think here there is
more concern as to whether they would attack sheep and deer in the Scottish
Highlands.  It is a ice idea to have them back - but I think this  is seen
as a "romantic" notion and it won't happen.  They are part of our "faunal
heritage" and I'd like to see as much of that realistically back in

Chris Ferguson

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