LL-L "Technica" 2003.07.02 [E]

mathieu at brabants.org mathieu at brabants.org
Wed Jul 2 19:37:54 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 15.JUN.2003 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Ruud Harmsen <rha at RUDHAR.COM>
Subject: Technica

>"Mike" <botas at club-internet.fr>
>Subject: LL-L "Technica" 2003.06.27 (04) [E]
>> From: "Ben J. Bloomgren" <godsquad at cox.net>
>> Also, I had a question. How do you get the
>> "Edh" and "thorn" on the international keyboard?
>Ben, try Alt+208, Alt+209, Alt+231, Alt+232.
>These require code page 850 (Western Europe).
>If you live in N-Am you probably load code page 437
>which doesn´t have these characters, so you have
>to find a way of loading cp 850 instead.
>This is different depending on the OS you are using.
>With all MS-DOS, Win3.x, 95 and 98 this is
>straight-forward: modify the MODE command
>in autoexec.bat. Succes! Mike Wintzer

Using the US International keyboard layout with, dead keys, is much
easier than alt-codes. No autoexec.bat modification necessary.
Thorn and eth (  ,   ) are under right-alt-t and d then.
Ruud Harmsen http://rudhar.com/index/whatsnew.htm  Update 27 June 2003

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