LL-L "Lexicon" 2003.07.08 (02) [E]

Lowlands-L mathieu at brabants.org
Tue Jul 8 06:21:41 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 08.JUL.2003 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: "Friedrich W. Neumann" <Fieteding at gmx.net>
Subject: Lexicon

Moin, Lowlanners, Ron,

[English below)

in uns Rabeeid is de (UG) "Eichelhaeher", (E) "jay", (D) "Vlaamse Gaai",
(LS) "Holthööger" ne elke Dach tau seein- inne Maarsch süün'  jo woll tau
minner Bööm. Doorüm heff ich ditt Woord eeirst vondoog leeirt.-

[Holt-]"Hööger" meeint , hei (LS) "höögt" sick watt, (UG) "haemische
Freude", (E) a kind of "mocking [bird]". Door schiint (UG) "Häher"
(="Hööger") von aff tau koomen.
Gifft' dat Woord "höögen" ook in Vlaams, Dutch or Freesk?


In our region the (UG) "Eichelhäher", (E)  we don't see every day- there are
to few trees in  the marshlands.
Maybe thats the reason for I did learn it's (LS) name at least today.

(LS) [Holt-=wood]"Hööger" does mean, one  is  having a kind of malicious

Have we got  a similar word to "höögen" in Vlaams , Dutch or Freesk?

Best regards


Not Lucifer I fear,
but those almighty Gods.

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