LL-L "Phonology" 2003.07.22 (06) [E/LS]
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Tue Jul 22 20:07:56 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 22.JUL.2003 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Friedrich W. Neumann <Fieteding at gmx.net>
Subject: Language Varieties
Moin, Reynhard, Leeg- un' Lowlanners,
(English below)
von Doog full mi 'n neeige Sünnerheeid in u's Platt opp (man net un' nipp in
u's Rabeeid anne Münnen vonne Elv; föör annere Rabeeiden kann 'ck ne
föör welke Wöör, de mit dennen Baukstoov "J" anfangt, seggt wii ook "J" as
in (UG): "jeder" or in (E): "yard":
(LS): "Jüchen", (UG): "Steckrübeneintopf", (E): "Yellow Roots with bacon...
[special meal in Northern Germ.]";
(LS): "Jitte", (UG): "Mutterschaf", (E): "sheep with a lamb";
(LS): "jümmer", (UG): "immer", (E): "always"... - un' sau wiider...
Mann- denn givvt dat door annere Wöör', de fangt ook mi "J" an, un' door
mookt wii 'n Diph- or Triphtong von, meist jüst sau ass (E): "John",
"jail", "generation" etc...- 'n beeten weeiker viellich' (BTW: dissen -jo-
"Triphtong" gifft amend ne opp Hauchdüütsch):
(LS): "Jiller", (UG): "Euter", (E): "udder";
(LS): "Jaokob", (UG): "Jakob", (E): "Jacob";
(LS); "Jäger", (UG): "Jäger", (E): "hunter".
Door giff 't schiinboor heel keein Reegel föör- krüüs't Du blaut
eingermooten oppe Reigh, wenn Du door mit oppwussen büsst.
Mennigwelk Wöör kannst ook noch opp beeide Oor'n uutspreeken:
(LS): "jeeidereein", (UG): "jeder[mann]", (E): "everybody".
Hett door einer 'n Ploon, 'n Regelwaarks von?
today I found out a new [linguistic] specialty in our regional LS-dialect
(just and exclusive in our region, at the mouth at the River Elbe; I cannot
talk for any other region):
in some words beginning with the letter "J" we pronounce it "normally" like
in (UG): "jeder" or in (E): "yard":
(LS): "Jüchen", (UG): "Steckrübeneintopf", (E): "Yellow Roots with bacon...
[special meal in Northern Germ.]";
(LS): "Jitte", (UG): "Mutterschaf", (E): "sheep with a lamb";
(LS): "jümmer", (UG): "immer", (E): "always"... - and so on.
But- there are other words also beginning with a "J", and we use to make a
Diph- or even Triphtong of them, nearly exactly like (E) "John", "jail",
"generation" etc.- perhaps a little bit "weaker" (BTW: This -ok- triphtong
You will not find in Upper German, as far as I can find out now):
(LS): "Jiller", (UG): "Euter", (E): "udder";
(LS): "Jaokob", (UG): "Jakob", (E): "Jacob";
(LS); "Jäger", (UG): "Jäger", (E): "hunter".
I don't find any rules here- You just *perhaps*can handle it if You are
native speaker.
There are even words You may pronounce both ways:
(LS): "jeeidereein [ook: dscheeidereein]", (UG): "jeder[mann]", (E):
Has anyone got a plan for this?
Not Lucifer I fear,
but those almighty Gods.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Phonology
[English below]
In dey meyrsten dialekten wardt dat /j-/ dörchgaans as [j], [ɟ] ([dj]) or
[ʥ] ([dz,]), *dörchgaans*, nich mengeleyrd. Nu dat by Jou schynts mengeleyrd
utspraken wardt, kann 'n as verklaren blouts geven, dat Jy twey sünnerde
fonemen daar vör hebbt; t.b. "Jitte" /jite/ ['jIte] vs "Jiller" /Jiler/
['ʥIl3`]. In düsse val schullen Jy twey sünnerde grafemen daar vör bruken;
t.b. <Jitte> vs <Djiller>.
In most dialects /j/ is consistently pronounced as [j], [ɟ] ([dj]) or [ʥ]
([dz,]), *consistently*, not mixed. Since in your dialect there appears to
be a mixture, the only plausible explanation seems to assume two separate
phonemes; e.g., _Jitte_ /jite/ ['jIte] vs _Jiller_ /Jiler/ ['ʥIl3`]. In this
case you ought to use two separate graphemes; e.g., <Jitte> vs <Djiller>.
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