LL-L "Language policies" 2003.07.23 (09) [E/LS]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu Jul 24 00:28:29 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 23.JUL.2003 (09) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Friedrich W. Neumann <Fieteding at gmx.net>
Subject: LL-L "Language policies" 2003.07.23 (03) [E]
(English below)
Du schreevst (opp Ingelt):
> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Language policies
> Dear Lowlanders,
> According to latest reports, beginning with the new academic year (August
> 2003) Lowlands Saxon (Low German) contents will be mandatory in Secondary
> school curricula in the German city state of Hamburg. Previously, such
> inclusions were merely optional.....
>[..."INS Presse" (http://www.ins-presse.de/)]
> Regards,
> Reinhard/Ron
Ick heff dooröver noodocht.
Miin Jüngsten is nu 8 Joor aul, un' ick snack meist elke Dag Plattdüütsch
mit em.
Man- opp'n Schaul to goon, wo Platt de eirste "Fremdsprook" or gänzli'g de
"Amtssprook" is- door isse ne klauk 'nauch föör.
Hei schall woll Platt (LS) leeiern, man bii mi, in 't Öllernhuus, meihr
blangenbii, sau, asss dat bii mi ook ween hett.
Gifft joo woll ook 'n poor "Waldorf-Schulen" in Noorddütschland, de mit de
Göör 'n heeilen Dag Platt snackt. Man- de sünnt buuten 'ruut uut dat
System- un door koomt wii weller trüch opp dat aule Liiden: in uns
Sellschapp mööt wi meuglichst perfekt Hauchdüütsch, Ingelt, Franzöössch und
viellich' Latiin'sch snacken.
Amend ne Plattdüütsch- door kann' n heel keein Geld mit verdeeinen!
Ick heff 't ook ne inne School leihrt- un' snack doch meist elke Dag Platt!
Door is jo woll gonnix verkeeihrt looupen.
Miin Öllern hefft mii dat ne biibröcht- dat heff 'ck "oppe Stroot" oppleest.
Un woorüm schall' t sau ne ook bliiven?
Wii, ick, mööt door watt an dauhn, in 'n Huus- ne de Stoot! De kann nix
ümdreihen, wat amend ne wünscht waard, ne "conveneer'n" deiht.
I did make some reflection about that.
My youngest son is 8 years old, and I do talk to him in Low Saxon nearly
every day.
But- him going to a school with LS as primal "foreign" language or even
"official language"- he is not intelligent enough to come around with.
He definitely HAS to learn LS, but at home, in a "side-project", the same
way as I did.
There are some anthroposophic "Waldorf-Schools" in Northern Germany where
children are educated in LS for the whole day.
But- they are out of our system- and now we come back to the old "malage":
in our society we are forced to be nearly perfect in UG, English, French
and - perhaps- Latin. No Low Saxon, by no means- it is not suitable to get
around in live, to earn some money.
I for myself did not learn LS at school- but I did learn it. What has been
wrong in that?
Even- my parents could and did not educate me in it- I just did pick it up
in the "streets".
It could like to stay like this.
Everyone, You, me has to do "home education"- not the systems have. I think
them to be overcharged to work, to agitate against the mainstream.
Very best Regards
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language policies
Practicing defence of the good old status quo again, huh? ;)
> in uns
> Sellschapp mööt wi meuglichst perfekt Hauchdüütsch, Ingelt, Franzöössch
> viellich' Latiin'sch snacken.
> Amend ne Plattdüütsch- door kann' n heel keein Geld mit verdeeinen!
> Ick heff 't ook ne inne School leihrt- un' snack doch meist elke Dag
> Door is jo woll gonnix verkeeihrt looupen.
> Miin Öllern hefft mii dat ne biibröcht- dat heff 'ck "oppe Stroot"
> Un woorüm schall' t sau ne ook bliiven?
> There are some anthroposophic "Waldorf-Schools" in Northern Germany where
> children are educated in LS for the whole day.
> But- they are out of our system- and now we come back to the old "malage":
> in our society we are forced to be nearly perfect in UG, English, French
> and - perhaps- Latin. No Low Saxon, by no means- it is not suitable to get
> around in live, to earn some money.
> I for myself did not learn LS at school- but I did learn it. What has been
> wrong in that?
> Even- my parents could and did not educate me in it- I just did pick it
> in the "streets".
> It could like to stay like this.
How could it be otherwise if the status quo keeps being defended and
preserved? Don't you see the circularity caused by the defence of this
status quo defence argument? Do I *really* need to explain?
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