LL-L "Signage" 2003.03.04 (03) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Tue Mar 4 15:31:13 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 04.MAR.2003 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: Stan Levinson <stlev99 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Signage" 2003.03.03 (08) [E]
I see no problem with "arrêt" used as a noun. Don't
we say "Feu!" in French for "fire!" (as in "shoot"),
and similarly in Spanish "fuego". Stop signs in
Spanish say "alto", also not a verb form.
So while Quebec may be crazy linguistically (I haven't
been there), arrêt isn't the worst thing I've seen.
Actually, my favorite was 30 years ago on a store
window in Antwerpen, where alternate signs touted a
"sale" with "solden" ("Dutch", but not standard) and
"soldes" (French). I mean, if they have to write both
words just to put the darn plural ending.... oy.
> From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc.
> <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
> Subject: LL-L "Signage" 2003.03.03 (02) [E]
> > From: Jules Roonacker <julesr at itn-logistics.com>
> > Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2003.03.01 (01) [D/E]
> > Roger Thijs writes about a roadsign issue in
> Belgium.
> It actually concerned a parking disc: an enveloppe
> with a disc inside,
> allowing you to mark the time of arrival
> (Ankunft(s)zeit in German) by
> properly turning the disc. You leave it visible in
> your car, and the
> policeman will check whether or not you exceed the
> parking time.
> > Therefore, the French version should be "(Vous
> devez vous) ARRETER"
> (infinitif) or "ARRETEZ" (gebiedende wijs) but not
> "Ceci est un arret".
> I believe France and Belgium (?) have solved this
> problem by using the
> universal multilingual word "STOP" for their sign.
> Am I right Roger?
> Yes,
> The verb "stopper" is decent French btw.
> From my Petit Larouse CD-ROM 2003:
> I __stopper__ verbe transitif
> Faire un stoppage à .
> means: darn / mend
> II __stopper__ verbe transitif
> 1. Arrêter la marche d'un navire, d'une machine,
> etc.
> 2. Empêcher d'avancer, de progresser ; arrêter
> définitivement. Stopper une
> offensive.
> __stopper__ verbe intransitif
> Cesser d'avancer ; s'arrêter.
> __stop__ interjection
> (mot anglais)
> Exprime l'ordre d'arrêter, de cesser toute
> manÅ"uvre. Stop ! n'avancez plus !
> I think the Canadian behaviour is a typical
> overdoing for languages in a
> defensive position. So we do have "droogzwierder" in
> Belgian Dutch, versus
> "centrifuge" in standard Dutch etc.
> Road signs / Canadian French: ARRÃ T
> http://www.mtq.gouv.qc.ca/reseau/signalisation/
> France: STOP
> the official list (pdf file/ long URL cut in two
> parts below !!!):
> signauxatelecharger/signauxroutiers.pdf
> Belgium (French version) STOP
> http://www.fedpol.be/polfed/trafic/code/art67.htm
> For my French feeling "Arrêt" (point d'arrêt )
> means over here not that you
> have to stop, but refers to a place certain vehicles
> eventually stop, e.g.
> "arrêt d'autobus".
> The sign at a busstop in Wallonia:
> http://www.tec-charleroi.be/infos/astuces.asp
> Regards,
> Roger
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