LL-L "Orthography" 2003.05.13 (07) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 15:12:58 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 13.MAY.2003 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * sassisch at yahoo.com
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From: "Allison Turner-Hansen" <hallison at gte.net>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2003.05.09 (05) [E]
> From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Language Usage
> Hai yaw
> thaw' aid rai' ta giv mai sappaw' ta dhoaz willin ta
> rai' in udha varaiatiz av loalanz langwidgiz udha dhan
> shchrai' Inglish. Ok - noawunz gannu wundastan dhis,
> but i's mai yattempt a' chraiing ta bring ta laif dhi
> Eshchri aksen', an wen udha daialecks av udha
> langwidgis can du dhis - wai no' Inglish wunz. Wo's
> happend tu wInglish daialecks an aksen's dha' wi yav
> ta rai' standad Inglish dha hoaw taim?
> Gary
> ps good luck with this one...
> ----------
> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Orthography
> Oi, Gary!
> > Ok - noawunz gannu wundastan dhis,
> Doan' bi tu shoa! *Ai* yundastan. Gud wan, mai'!
> Bu' wi yav ta hav a laaja langwij kawpus ta ge' ta noa yoa rai'in sistem
> be'a.
> Lai'a!
> Reinhard/Ron
Dear Gary, Ron, Lowlanders,
But this is delightful! I understood every word, except "Eshchri'.
that "Estuary", by chance? Is this a coastal dialect of the
Allison Turner-Hansen
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Orthography
It *is* "Estuary" and refers to "Estuary English," a dialect at the
Thames Estuary. Our Gary wrote an introduction to it for "Lowlands
Talk" under "English" (http://www.lowlands-l.net/talk/, the site soon to
be moved and extended). My first response was too Cockney for Gary, and
my second response was a sort of Australian.
> Yú wappy now Ron? Still ë bi' ëv fun :)
Happi?! Bloomin ikstatik, may'! See? Yú *can* hav ë sistëm en ë laaf a'
dhë saym tiem. Wew, nou aw yú wev të dú wiz chip ëway a' i' të ge' rid of
thee yinkënsistënseez, an yúw riali bee laafin.
> yú go’ me thinkin ...
Dhen Ie'v dun mie job. Dha's wan of mie pèpisiz in dhiz lieftiem.
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